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"DELTA!" Percy shouted as they neared the water. "DELTA!" They reached the lake out of breath and with no site of Delta. "Everybody look for her," Percy told everyone and they nodded without hesitation. They all wadded through the water in search of her with everyone calling her name.

"I found her!" Piper called out. Everyone ran over to her to see a lifeless Delta laying in the water.

"No," Percy whispered.

"Percy, I'm so sorry," Alex apologized.

"No!" Percy shouted. He picked up Delta and carried her out of the water. He laid her down and started to give CPR by pounding her chest. "Come on. Come on!" Everyone watched in silence not knowing what to say. Eventually the seconds turned into minutes and they had to intervene.

Annabeth knelt next to Percy. "Percy she's gone."

"No! I won't accept that," Percy's voice was heavy with sadness. He continued to pound her chest.

"Percy, Percy." He didn't stop. "Percy!" Annabeth grabbed his hands and made him look at her. "She's gone."

Percy shook his head as his tears fell freely. "It's all my fault."

"No, Percy," Piper spoke. "It's all of our faults."

"We weren't good friends to her," Hazel agreed.

"We all good have done better," Jason added.

Percy stood up and wiped at his eyes. "We have a quest to finish."

Annabeth stood up as well. "Are you sur-"

"Yeah, I'm fine." He turned to Alex. "The stone?" Alex handed it to him. "How do we destroy it?"

"You need to combine your energies," Annabeth explained. "Put it on the ground and form a circle around it." Percy put it in the ground and the children of the big three all formed a circle. "Just concentrate on it being destroyed.

That's what they did. After a few seconds the stone started to glow. It became brighter and brighter until finally it just combusted. It was just dust in the dirt now.

"Now what?" Frank asked.

"Now, now we go home," Percy answered. Then all the pegasi showed up and everyone mounted. Percy walked over to Deltas body and picked her up. He went over to Marie. "Can you carry her back to camp?" Marie nodded her head solemnly. Percy rested her against Marie's mane and then went and mounted BlackJack.

They all took off and headed back to Camp Half Blood, no one in the mood to celebrate their completed quest.

I bet y'all thought she would be alive or she would come back. Think again. PLEASE DONT HATE ME IM SORRY! Comment want you think, I want to hear it. PEACE!

Delta Jackson and Another Great ProphecyWhere stories live. Discover now