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Trigger warning

Delta didn't know how she found herself staring at Annabeth's dagger, but she was. It was all quiet as everybody was asleep, all except for Deltas mind. The voice in her head seemed to be screaming at her.

Pick up the dagger, cut your arm, pick up the dagger, cut your arm.

That's all it said on repeat. She didn't want to do it, but the urge was to strong. She slowly picked up the dagger and brought it to her forearm. She added pressure as she drew a line down to her wrist. And it was deep. She awoke the others as she screamed. When they saw her they panicked.

"DELTA!" Percy screamed as he ran over to her. He laid her head in his lap. Her breathing became heavy as blood continued to pour out of her arm. Everyone was staring at her in shock and worry. "Well don't just stand there! Do something!"

"Someone go get the nectar and ambrosia!" Annabeth ordered.

"I'll get it," Jack offered as he started to get up.

"No!" Annabeth stopped him. "Piper you go get it." Piper nodded and ran off. "I'm not letting you out of my sight. This is your fault!"

"What are you talking about?!" Jack defended himself.

"You know exactly what I'm talking about! I know what you're doing! You-" Annabeth stopped talking as she fell to her knees gripping her head as it pounded. She screamed in pain.

"Annabeth!" Percy called out, now also worried about his girlfriend. She continued to scream as her head felt like it was about to explode. "What's happening to her?!"

"I don't know!" Jack withheld the truth.

Then Piper ran back. "It's gone!"

"What's do you mean it's gone?!" Percy asked worried.

"It's gone! All the nectar and ambrosia is gone!" Piper exclaimed.

"Fuck," Percy muttered under his breath. He then made some water come up from the ground and used it to cover the cut on Deltas arm. However, for some reason it wasn't healing the wound. "Why isn't this working?!" Percy continued to try with no prevail. "Someone find the nectar and ambrosia the water will contain it for now." They started to search everywhere, then Annabeth stood up and caught her breath. "Annabeth, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," Annabeth replied. "Alex, do you have the nectar and ambrosia?" She didn't know why she suspected Alex, but she did.

"Why would I have it?" Alex asked confused as to why Annabeth would be suspecting him after the talk they had the night before.

"Do you have it or not?"


"I don't believe you. Jason, check his stuff." Jason nodded and did just that.

"What the hell, Annabeth? We talked about this."

Annabeth had a look of confusion. "I don't know what you're talking about."

Alex was about to reply when Jason came over with the nectar and ambrosia. "He had it."

Alex was surprised at this revelation. "I swear I didn't take it. I swear!"

"Sure ya didn't." Annabeth took the nectar and ambrosia from Jason and went over to Percy and Delta. "Here." They gave her the nectar and ambrosia and it quickly worked.

Percy hugged her tight. "Thank the gods." He pulled away. "Why did you do that?"

Delta looked at the ground confused. "I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know?" Thalia asked confused. "You have to know."

"I don't know okay!" Delta exclaimed as she stood up. "You think I don't know what I don't know!"

"Calm down," Hazel said tentatively.

"No!" Delta protested. "Look I'm sorry I worried you guys but, actually I'm not sorry, so back the hell off!" With that Delta stormed off into the woods. She didn't know why she was mad at them, but she was.

"What is going on with her?" Reyna voiced the question they were all thinking.

"I already told Annabeth that-" Alex started but was quickly cut off.

"You know Alex, I'm disappointed in you," Jack spoke. "Delta needed that nectar and ambrosia, and you kept it for yourself."

"I didn't do it and you know it!"

"I think it's best if you leave brother."


"I agree with Jack," Annabeth agreed. "I think you may be dangerous after the stunt you pulled. You need to go."

"I can't believe you Jack." Alex was mad at his brother, but was too afraid to do anything.

"Sorry bro," Jack apologized with fake sympathy. Though it was only Alex who saw it, Jack had a smug smile as he said, "See ya." Alex didn't want to leave, he wanted to help them. However, with his brother doing what he is, he had no choice.

Alex quickly ran off into the woods. Though he didn't just go anywhere, he ran to find Delta. Maybe, just maybe, he could get through to her.

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