The Prophecy

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When Percy and Delta arrived at the Big House everyone was already waiting for them to start the meeting. All of Deltas friends were giving her sympathetic looks, and she hated it. They sat down and the meeting began.

"Ok, now that everyone is here we may begin," Chiron began. "Annabeth, would you you please recite the prophecy for us."

Annabeth nodded and recited:

"Children of the three will race west,
To find the stone and put it at rest,
Temptation will cloud ones mind,
And they will choose within the time,
For better or worse with what they choose will help us all or make us rue,
To be betrayed along the way,
One will fall to save the day."

Delta looked down as she clenched her jaw and her fists that were under the table. "Children of the three", that's what it said. That means her, Percy, Thalia, Jason, Nico, and Hazel. Delta was getting mad again. Percy noticed this and grabbed her fists under the table and unclenched them in attempt to calm her down. It kinda worked. Delta tried to look on the bright side. At least Annabeth, Piper, Clarisse, Leo, Frank, and Reyna don't have to go. At least they'll be safe from the last line. The last line was the one that scared her. "One will fall to save the day." Everyone knew that that meant one of them wouldn't be returning.

"Now, children of the three stay," Chiron ordered. "Everyone else, you may go." Everyone else nodded and left, well, almost everyone else. Five other people did not move from their seats. "I said everyone else may go," Chiron repeated.

Annabeth, Piper, Leo, Frank, and Reyna stood their ground. "Oh, we heard you," Leo started.

"But we're not leaving," Annabeth stated.

"This quest does not concern you," Chiron replied.

"But it concerns our friends," Piper said.

"So by extension," Frank continued.

"It does concern us," Reyna finished.

Chiron opened his mouth to reply but was beat to it by Delta, "Forget it Chiron. You won't get them to leave." She didn't even look up as she spoke.

Chiron nodded. "Very well." Then he put his focus on the others. "For this quest you six will begin your journey at first light tomorrow. I have talked to the gods already and they have informed me that you will head to the Hollywood sign, find the stone of resurrection, and destroy it."

"You wanna know what I noticed?" Delta asked rhetorically. "All the bad stuff happens in the west. More specifically California." The other demigods chuckled at her comment.

Chiron however, did not. "Delta this is no laughing matter."

"Does it look like I care?" Delta snapped back. She was surprised by her own actions, but she wasn't able to control herself. "I couldn't care less about this quest. I just want to get this over with."

Chiron sighed and it was quite for a minute, until Thalia spoke up, "So awkward silence breaker, what's the stone of resurrection?"

"It is a stone that was created by Poseidon, Zeus, and Hades. It can bring back anything and anyone from the dead," Chiron explained. Everyone's eyes widened. Delta immediately thought of John. She could bring him back. "At a cost though. It taints your soul. It darkens you. You won't be the same person as before." Delta frowned. She would still bring John back, but she knew that's not what he would want. She didn't want to disappoint John, so she decided she wouldn't do it. "We can't let it fall into the wrong hands, that's why they want you six to destroy it."

"How do we destroy something created by the three most powerful gods?" Hazel asked.

"They believe that with the strength of the six most powerful demigods combined you will be able to do it," Chiron answered.

"Why can't they do it?" Delta asked annoyed by this stupid quest. "They created it. They destroy it."

"They said that they can't," Chiron replied.

"Why not?" Delta asked in disbelief.

"Because they don't want to," Chiron answered nervously for her reaction.

Delta laughed bitterly and everybody looked at each other confused. "Of course they don't," Delta said. "Yeah, well," Delta looked up at the ceiling. "NEITHER DO I!"

It was silent for a second until Chiron spoke up, "For the last order of business I suppose you five," he looked at Annabeth, Piper, Leo, Frank, and Reyna, "are going to want to go on this quest?" They all nodded their head simultaneously. "And I suppose there is nothing I can do to change your minds?" They all shook their head simultaneously. He let out a sigh of defeat. "Very well then. I will leave you all to discuss your thoughts."

Chiron then left the room leaving them alone to converse, knowing full well an argument was about to take place.

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