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Delta ran as fast as she could back to their little campsite. When she arrived she saw the others packing everything up getting ready to continue west, all except Jack. He was off to the side looking around. Delta figured he was looking out for her as he knows that his spell was broken. She walked up quietly behind him. "Looking for me?" Delta bitterly asked.

Jack quickly spun around meeting Delta's menacing gaze. He gulped out of fear before he spoke, "Delta!" He faked happiness. "Thank the gods you're okay! I was so worried about you!"

Delta rolled her eyes at his poor acting skills. It was clear that he relied a lot on his magic, she couldn't believe that she actually fell for it. "Cut the crap Jack," Delta demanded. Her intimidating facade faltered as she giggled, "That rhymed." She then shook her head and refocused herself. Stupid ADHD. "I know the truth."

Jack faked a look of confusion. "What are you talking about?"

Delta took a step forward as she yelled growing frustrated with his games. "You know exactly what I'm taking about! You think you can control me and get away with it?!"

"I didn't think that I could control you." Jack's face broke out into an evil smirk. "I did control you. And I would've gotten away with it if it hadn't have been for my stupid brother!"

"Well thank Zeus for him! You almost made me kill Clarisse, you almost made me kill Piper!"

"And you would've to if I hadn't underestimated your power!"

"Well I'm glad you did," Delta's voice became calm and low, "because now you're the one who's going to die." Delta's sword grow to its full form in her hand as she charged at Jack, however she suddenly stopped, unwillingly, as Jack held up his hand. Her hand moved out of her control making the blade of her sword be held against her throat. "What are you doing?"

Jack calmly walked around her. "I could kill you right now."

Delta scoffed. "Go for it."

Jack was taken back. That was not the answer that he was expecting. He was more expecting a plead not to, not a okay sign to do it. "What? I threaten to kill you and you tell me to go for it?"

Delta gave a small nod. "You may have been the one to make me cut my wrists today, but that doesn't mean that I didn't enjoy it. So you gonna kill me or what?" Delta knew that he wasn't really going to kill her, that's why she said that stuff.

"Not just yet," Jack taunted her. "I still need you to get the stone, but believe me, by the time this is all over you will be dead. Now it's time for you to forget."

"What do you-" Delta didn't get to finish her thought as a terrible pain started to shoot through her head. Her sword went back to her necklace as she fell to her knees in pain.

When the pain finally subsided Delta looked up to meet Jack's eyes. "Do you still hate me?" Jack faked a hurt expression.

Delta smiled. "I could never hate you Jack, you're my friend." They shared a hug as Jack held an evil smirk, but of course it was gone as they pulled away.

"GUYS WE GOTTA GO COME ON!" Annabeth yelled at the two.

Delta shouted back, "COMING!" She got up and ran over as Jack slowly walked thinking, a little longer and that stone will be mine.

Delta Jackson and Another Great ProphecyWhere stories live. Discover now