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I'M BACK BITCHES! I'm sorry for being gone and not updating but I'm finally back into things. Hope you enjoy my triumphant return update. (Though it probably sucks cuz it's so short) ENJOY!

"Our answer is no."

Percy's head hung low. He knew it was a long shot but that doesn't make it hurt any less.

"I'm sorry, son," Poseidon apologized.

Percy looked at his father with a glare. "No. You're not."

"People die in battle, Jackson, get used to it," Ares commented. "We can't bring back everyone."

"I'm not asking for everyone, just Delta."

"And you don't think people will complain?" Athena spoke. "You don't think people will complain that we brought back your loved one, and not others?"

"No it's just-"

Athena cut Percy off. "What about Bianca Di Angelo?"


"Or Zoë Nightshade? Or Luke Castellan? Or Charles Beckendorf? Or maybe Silena Beauregard? What about them? You don't think their loved ones will find this unfair?"

Percy stayed silent.

"They would," Athena answered her own question. "And then war would break out, and no one wants that."

"Well except maybe Ares," Hermes commented.

"I say we bring the girl back then," Ares voted. Then the gods started to argue on weather or not bringing Delta back would be a good idea.

"SILENCE!" Zeus's voice boomed over everyone and the room fell silent. He looked down at Percy. "You have our answer. Now go and honor your fallen sister, for she will not be coming back."

Percy nodded defeated. He mounted BlackJack and quickly took off.

You okay, boss? BlackJack spoke in Percy's mind.

"Just dandy," Percy replied with a sad tone. They continued their way back to camp in silence. Percy dreaded their arrival knowing that once he got there they would have Deltas funeral.

Delta Jackson and Another Great ProphecyWhere stories live. Discover now