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It took hours to reach the Hollywood sign but they finally did. They landed the pegasi and hopped off. There the stone was just sitting on a pedestal. It was a small black gem and it gave off a blue and green glow. Delta walked over to it. "Be careful," Percy warned. Delta nodded. She slowly brought her hand up and grabbed the stone. She rolled it around in her hand. It was rough.

"Can I see it?" Jack asked seeing this as his chance.

Delta was about to hand it to him when it started to glow. "What's happening?" Delta asked worried.

"I don't know," Annabeth answered. It became so bright that they had to shield their eyes. When it dimmed down they opened their eyes and they couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Standing right before them was an image of John. "John?" Delta asked shakily.

"It's me," John assured. A tear fell from Deltas eyes. She reached out to his face but her hand went right through him.

"Who are you talking to? There's no one there," Jack asked confused not being able to see John.

Delta looked at him confused. "What are you talking about?" She looked back at John. "He's right there."

Jack shook his head. "There's no one there."

Delta looked back at the others fearing she might be losing it. "You see him to right?" The others nodded.

"Whatever, just give me the stone," Jack held out his hand expectantly as he controlled Delta.

Delta went to give Jack the stone when her hand hit an invisible barrier. "Why can't I reach him?"

"I've just created an invisible barrier around all of us. He can't hear us or get to us," John explained.

Delta turned back to John. "Why would you do that?"

"Because he's not who you think he is."

"What do you mean?" Reyna asked.

"He's been using his magic to control Delta, and Annabeth at one point."

Delta's head began to throb."You're lying," she denied.

John shook his head. "I'm not. Alex already told both of you."

Flashes of the conversation with Alex went through Annabeths head. "He's not lying, I remember now," she addressed the group.

"I always knew something was up with that dude," Leo commented.

"Ok, let me get this straight," Nico began.

"Even though you're not," Thalia mumbled under her breath.

Nico glared her before continuing. "You're saying that Jack has been manipulating Delta's mind this whole time?" John only nodded.

"Makes sense why Delta's been lashing out a lot now," Hazel added. They all looked at Delta who had stayed silent. She was holding her head in pain wanting to believe John but Jack telling her otherwise. 

"What going on with her?" Percy grew concerned.

"Shes battling with herself," John answered. Delta screamed in pain as she collapsed to her knees. 

"Can't you help her?!" Piper asked worried herself.

John shook his head solemnly. "I can't."

"Why not?" Frank asked.

"You could help, she loves you," Jason pointed out.

"This has to be something she does on her own," John replied. 

When the pain finally subsided and Delta was free of Jacks control, again, she looked up at John. "I believe you."

John smiled at her. "Then my job here is done."

Delta quickly stood up as tears filled her eyes. "You can't go."

"I have to, I don't belong in this world anymore."

"But I love you," Delta admitted as her tears rapidly fell.

"And I love you too, which is why I need you to do one thing for me."

"Anything," Delta replied with no hesitation. 

John took a shaky breath. "Move on."

Delta was taken back. "What?"

"All I want is for you to be happy, but that can't happen if you don't move on." Delta shook her head. "Please. I may already be dead, but it's my dying wish. Be happy without me."

More tears fell from Delta's face as she nodded. "I'm going to miss you so much."

"And I'll miss you too, but remember one thing. I'll always be with you." (A/N if you understood that last reference HIT ME UP) With those last words John disappeared. Delta fell to her knees as sobs racked her body. Percy and Annabth hurried to her side to comfort her.

"What'd I miss?" Jack asked confused.

Delta stopped crying and looked up at him with the ultimate death glare. She slowly stood up as her sword grew in her hand.Delta growled at him, "Just your death warrant." With that she charged. 

Delta Jackson and Another Great ProphecyWhere stories live. Discover now