Night and Day- One

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It was becoming night and the day Pokemon were going to sleep for the night while the night Pokemon were just getting active. Three Pokemon Trainers were setting up camp below a large willow tree where an aipom was settling in the branches, eating berries it had found earlier.

The first trainer was a boy with messy brown hair. He had green eyes with a white smile as he laughed about a joke the girl trainer tells him. She had long red hair with hazel eyes that shone with happiness. The last trainer stays away from the two up front. This trainer was a girl with short dark brown, almost black, hair. Her eyes were blue and she had a small pack on her back as she sits away from the two trainers. The boys' partner Pokemon was a buizel that was playing with the girls' buneary. At last, there was the girls' partner Pokemon: It was a houndoom that sat beside his trainer, eyes glued to the aipom in the tree, finishing its' meal.

The only thing that the trainers and their Pokemon did not know, was that a pair of golden eyes were watching them. The houndoom felt he was being watched, and so did his trainer. Houndoom found the eyes first and the trainer followed her Pokemon's careful eyesight. Golden eyes blink once, then disappear mysteriously. Trainer nods to Pokemon and the houndoom gets up and walks into the undergrowth, melding in perfectly with the blackness.

Seconds later, a harsh Flamethrower cuts through the forest's trees and the trainers stop and watch the flames grow. The owner of the houndoom gets up and runs to her Pokemon's aid. Buizel sniffs the air and smells the slight hint of smoke. Running toward the fire, both trainers, and Pokemon, get up and follow the buizel.

They arrive at a meadow with just a few spaces of grass caught on flame. Buizel puts the flames and embers out with a Water Gun. The fire sizzles as it was put out. Buneary looks about, wondering who had made the fire. Her answer was a sudden Flame Wheel cutting across the meadow. What was in front of the fire and dark type Pokemon was a black and blue blur.

Jumping in the air, the blur lets loose a Shadow Ball, hitting the flaming the houndoom square-on. Houndoom skids a few feet backward from the hit. He stood back up quickly and glared at the increasingly bluing glow, blinding the trainers to what it is. Only the Pokemon could see what it really is: An umbreon. A shiny umbreon.

Buizel and buneary stare in shock as they see the shiny Pokemon walk around the larger houndoom. Houndoom growled lowly and lets loose another Flamethrower. It hits the blue glow hard and it flies low though the air, hitting a tree trunk from across the meadow.

"Houndoom, Flame Wheel!" the dark haired trainer yelled from beside the other two trainers who stare in shock as they finally see what the Pokemon was.

"That's a shiny umbreon! Are you serious?!" the other girl trainer squeals.

Houndoom ignores the trainer that is not his and begins running toward the getting up umbreon. He jumps and instantly bursts into flames, rolling toward the standing Pokemon at a high speed. Before the houndoom hits the umbreon, the shiny Pokemon looks up into the black sky, staring at the few stars that shine. Feeling a sudden heat, the Pokemon snaps back to the battle.

But it was to late; The umbreon is smacked farther into the tree trunk, breaking it fully and making it fall. Pidgey's fly from the tree, chattering angrily.

The umbreon was barley conscious, it's vision blurred very bad. The only thing it notices before fainting was the houndoom's black paws in front of it's line of sight and a Dusk Ball heading it's way.

Waking up in a computer-like fantasy, the umbreon looked around. Small green lines cover the metal interiour and numbers counting below the Pokemon. When the fantasy notices the Pokemon was awake, it changes it's appearence instantly. Now the landscape was a wooded area in the dead of night. At first, the umbreon thought it was real but when it realized that no other Pokemon are in sight, it knew it was all a fraud.

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