Night and Day- Epilogue

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Baron woke up before the sun could even lick the sky of it’s bright colors. He looked around and woke up Natalie who swatted him away the first, but when he tried again, she woke up instantly. She packed her stuff and returned Quan, Violet, and Omar to their Poke Balls. Baron stayed out.

When she took out Doyle and Leila’s Poke Ball, she sighed and put them beside the Pokemon they belonged to. She turned and headed away from the clearing with Baron beside her.

It was as silent as the wind and green eyes flashed from the tree tops. The dark type Pokemon crawled down the tree and woke up N. He looked around and saw Natalie gone. He saw Leila’s and the Poochyena’s Poke Balls beside them as they slept.

“She let them go.” N whispered.

He returned his Liepard and ran in the direction the Pokemon pointed to. Before he left, he glanced once more at the sleeping umbreon, Jolteon and Eevee. He turned around and ran after Natalie’s invisible trail.

Leila woke up and yawned, not even aware of her empty environment. She got up and heard a something round fall under her belly and when she looked, it was a Dusk Ball. Her Dusk Ball. She gasped and looked around. The campsite was empty, even N had gone. Her eyes began to fill with tears and she cried out.

Her crying woke Doyle up and he barked loudly, but when he saw Natalie gone, he howled sadly.

They both woke up the father and son sleeping in the shade. They looked around and they saw Leila’s Dusk Ball and Doyle’s Poke Ball. Raiden understood within a second and used Thundershock on the two Poke Balls. The broke and Leila took a step back, as if something had hit her powerfully.

“Why?” she cried.

Doyle came up to Leila. “I could understand me, but why you, Leila?”

“‘Cause she has a family and we don’t have no trainers, so we’re wild. Natalie didn’t want Leila to feel bad if we left her, so she left Leila.” Raiden explained.

“I understand her meaning, but she only left her two pure dark type Pokemon, too. Do you think it has something to do with that?” Leila asked.

“What about N? He was here too last time I saw.” Doyle asked.

“He followed her, he likes her. No doubt about that.” Raiden explained.

“How come you’re so smart all of a sudden?” Leila joked.

He opens his mouth then closes it, shrugging confusedly. “I don’t know.”

“Now, what do we do?” Doyle asked.

“I have an idea!” Raiden said.

“What?” Leila asked.

“Mother!” Caspian spoke out.

Everyone grew silent and looked at the Eevee. He was looking at some Pokemon eyes off into the bushes in front of him. A red pair of eyes blinked and stepped out. It was a normal umbreon and he looked confused, yet angry. Most Pokemon stepped out behind him, mostly dark type, but some grass, fire, electric, and water.

“Who are you?” he asked.

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