Or I'll Kill You Ch. 2

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"Maeve, Maeve?" Someone's voice whispered, it was frantic, and worried.

"Give her some time to wake up," Said a soothing voice.

"We don't have time," Hissed the first voice, "She needs to wake up now, or I'll have to carry her. Then she'll wake up while we're running, and she'll be even more upset."

"If you don't give her time to wake up, she'll be even angrier!" Snapped the first voice.

I opened my eyes to spare them both. My mom was hanging over me with a worried look, while Jesse looked like he was about to slap me. "What's going on?" I croaked, as I sat up.

I looked around, and saw the burnt loft. That made me remember Otto. I looked around franticly, and saw my Aunt Ida tending to Otto's burns. Then I looked around at the rest of my family. Some looked worried, while others looked anxious, while a few looked beyond angry.

"We have to leave," Jesse told me in a harsh voice, "Get up, and let's go."

Jesse grabbed my upper arm, and pulled me to my feet. "Who do you think-" I started, but Jesse pulled me into a tight hug. I rested my head on his chest, and he patted my hair.

"When I saw your body laying there on the ground I thought I would die if you did," He whispered in my ear, as he held the back of my neck.

"You came in to get me?" I asked, pulling back, "I told you not too."

"The crawl space was over the door," He explained, "You almost landed right in front of us. How is your head?"

"I'm fine," I answered quickly, "How's Otto?"

"I'm fine," Otto piped up, he looked over at me with a goofy grin on his face, "Did I ever tell you that you're the best sister in the whole world?"

I smiled at him brightly. "Hey," Teresa yelled, "I'm a good sister too."

She ran over to Otto on her tiny little legs, and hugged him around the neck tightly. "Yeah T," He laughed, "You're a good sister too."

I pulled away from Jesse, and turned towards everyone. Jesse put his arms around my waist, and rested his chin on my shoulder. "So what are we doing?" I asked everyone, "Does anyone have plan on where we should go?"

They all came to stand or sit in front of me. There was a large clearing in the woods, for where we built the loft. "Why can't we just build another loft?" Ida asked with a shrug. Some of my other relatives murmured words of agreement.

"Someone set the loft on fire, on purpose," Jesse told everyone with a loud voice.

"Well what else should we do?" Mom asked, in a small whisper.

"We need to leave right away," I told everyone.

"Maeve," Uncle Afton muttered, "We all know you have a tendency to rush into matters like this."

"What?" I said, my face getting hot, "Name one time."

"How 'bout when you rushed to find out who was in the woods?" Afton said, as he placed his hands on his hips, "Or when you just rushed into that burning house."

"To save my brother!" I yelled, pulling away from Jesse, "It's not like anyone else did anything at those times. You were all just going to let him die in there! What kind of family are you people!"

"We were going to go in after the fire was out," Afton told me, "We can't risk losing one of us."

"OTTO IS ONE OF US," I yelled, "What are you talking about?"

"I mean......one, one of us," Afton whispered, "One that can change."

Anger boiled inside of me, and I could feel Jesse put his big hand on my arm. "Get off," I hissed, and Jesse knew to let go. I stormed up to Afton, and was about a head smaller than him.

"Just because he can't change doesn't mean he doesn't matter," I hissed, "We could have sent in someone who doesn't change if you wanted that so badly! But don't say Otto doesn't matter, not in front of me."

Afton looked at me with dark eyes, and then backed away. My hands were bawled up into fists, and I could feel my eyes blazing. "Shoot," I muttered, and I could feel myself changing. "I love this tang top."

At the last minute, I pulled the tang top over my head, and started to run. Soon my hands and feet were paws, and my body was covered with fur. I silently cursed Afton in my head, as I ran off the steam.

Maeve, someone called in my head, but I ignored them. I didn't want to talk to anyone at the moment.

I let the world close around me, and I became one with my surroundings. The trees smelt like fresh pine, and rain. Rain. I remembered that it was raining when the loft was burning. Why didn't the rain stop the fire from spreading? Was it because the fire started on the inside? Yes, that would make sense, but someone would have to get inside to start the fire.

Maeve, we didn't mean it like that, whispered another voice, you understand, right?

No! I shouted, and I won't until its Afton apologizing!

Aw come on, Maeve, you know he was just angry, another voice chimed in.

Whatever. Leave me alone, I told them, but of course they didn't. They kept telling me that Afton didn't mean it like that, and his views on us were different than most. I didn't care though, I just wanted to be left alone, and no one was respecting that. So I found some old clothes that were left on the ground, and changed back into my mortal form.

They were old baggy jeans, and a black t-shirt. They smelt like Jesse, so I was guessing they were his. I sat on a rock nearby, and put my head in my hands.

I got bored soon, and the jeans I was wearing were to baggy for me to run in, so I had to walk all the way back to the sight. I was stepping on twigs that dug into my feet, and made the hair on my arms stand up.

I ran my tongue over the front of my teeth, as my stomach rumbled. I ran harder. I looked around repeatedly, waiting for something to come out and jump me. I thought I was going to be attacked at any moment.

I wasn't attacked though, I was being followed.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw the shadow of a man. Not one from the pack, because I knew everyone of their footprints, and the way that they breath, and walk. No, this wasn't one of my family members.

This was someone knew, and they were following me. Why me? I don't know, but I knew that the faster I ran, the faster the pace picked up, and they continued to follow.

I didn't want to stop, and I didn't want to keep running for fear that I would lead them right to the pack. "Maeve," Someone called, "Come on Maeve, come home!" It was Otto.

No, not Otto.

My pace sped up, and I flew through the trees. My follower was faster though, and they sped in front of me. I started to sweat, and I could feel my feet start to bleed. "Otto, Otto," I cried, "Go back, GO BACK!"

"Maeve?" He continued to call, "Where are you?"

I heard a small laugh, and that scared me. "Otto," I screamed, "Otto, please!"

I could see Otto now, he looked scared, but he wasn't looking at me. He was looking at a tall man. The man was wearing shabby jeans and a white shirt with a black jacket over it. He had red eyes and a scar underneath his right eye. He was wearing a smug smirk, and he had his hands jammed in his pockets.

"Is.....is.....that blood," Otto stuttered.

"Smart kid," The man remarked, and then he opened his mouth, and fangs came out. Otto screamed, and I ran faster than I ever did before.

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