Or I'll Kill You Ch. 23

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Twenty Three

When we got home, I cowered in my seat. Matthew put his arm around me again, and held me tightly. "I don't know if I can do this," I whispered.

"You'll be fine," Matthew assured me, and kissed the side of my head.

"Alright," Jesse sighed, "Let's go in. I can already see Teresa peeking out from behind the curtain."

"Oh no," I groaned, putting my hands over my face.

"Don't worry," Jesse told me, squeezing my knee.

We got out of Max's car, and slowly walked towards the house. Jesse and Matthew stood behind me, but stood close to me. I opened the door, and was bombarded by questions.

"Where's Otto?" My Mom asked.

"What happened to Nate?" Mace asked.

"How badly were you hurt?" Daye questioned, "What is that on your face? Did he scratch you?"

"Everyone silence," Afton shouted, and everyone quieted. "Now," Afton sighed, "Why don't we let Maeve tell us everything? Go ahead Maeve, say it."

"Otto didn't make it," I whispered, and then I told them everything. Daye brought me over to the living room couch, and sat me down as I continued to tell my story.

Mom started crying, and had to leave the room she was crying so hard. When I finished, everyone was silent. "And that's it," I whispered, "We came out a live better than I thought we would."

"So let me get something straight," Afton said, and everyone turned to look at him. He looked old, and wise, and angry. "You saved your other boyfriend, but not your own brother?"

"What?" I asked.

"You brought your boyfriend back, but not your brother?" Afton repeated.

"What are you saying?" I questioned, "Out of all people? You were the one who wanted 'to protect our own!' Isn't that what you're always saying?"

"Oh so that's it, isn't it?" Afton sneered, "I never would have expected that from you Maeve."

"What?" I asked, "You totally turned that around on me! How is this my fault? I tried my best, and I was so close to saving Otto."

"Close, but not close enough?" Afton asked.

"What're you saying?" I asked.

Afton smiled at me. "I'm saying that you put yourself before your own brother," He whispered, "You wanted another boyfriend, so you saved him before you saved your brother!"

"What? I...what?" I stuttered.

"Speechless?" Afton questioned, "That's what I thought. You lousy, stubborn, selfish-"

He didn't get to finish though. Matthew charged towards him, and pinned him against the wall by the throat. His grip was so tight it squeezed his air passage ways. "Afton," Daye screamed, but that didn't stop Matthew.

Jesse came up behind Matthew, and placed a silver kitchen knife on his throat. I stared in horror, but didn't say anything. "How dare you say that," Matthew spat. "She risked her life to save her brother, me, and that boy who tagged along. How would you know that though, you lounged around at home while she risked her life?"

Afton chocked for air, but Jesse held the knife close under his chin. "Matthew," Afton chocked, and Jesse dug the knife into his chin.

"Shut your mouth, and listen to him," Jesse snapped in his face, "Continue Matthew."

"She was in the hospital for days," Matthew continued, "She was thrown against the wall, and still continued to fight! Could you have done that?"

"I..." Afton whispered.

Matthew loosened his grip, pulled him back, and then slammed him against the wall. "Answer the question," Matthew snapped.

"No," Afton confessed, "I couldn't have."

"Could you have traveled all the way to California in a stranger's car? Could you have found a way to make sure me and Otto didn't bleed to death? Could you have staked his accomplice, and then staked Nate? Could you have done all of that and made sure you, me, Jesse, and Otto came back alive?" Matthew snapped, "Could you?"

"I don't know," Afton chocked.

"NO," Matthew shouted, "Because you aren't as strong as Maeve, and you never will be. So don't you ever say Maeve is selfish, because she would have even made sure you were safe before she was."

Matthew looked at Jesse, and Jesse took the knife off of Afton. Matthew released Afton, and he gasped for breath. Jesse looked like he was going to put the knife away, but instead he took it, and dug it deep into Afton's shoulder, then brought it down his arm. "Jesse," I shrieked, as Afton screamed in pain.

Jesse pulled the knife out, and looked at Afton directly in the face. "Don't you ever talk about our girl like that again," He spat, "And if you do I'll make sure the pain is much worse. You might even die."

Afton just stared at Jesse in horror. Jesse took the knife, and then slammed it into the wall, leaving it hanging there. "Let's go baby," Jesse whispered, holding his arm out.

I walked over to him, and folded into his warm body. We walked up the stairs with Matthew following closely behind. We walked into our room, and Matthew closed the door behind us. "I'm sorry guys," I muttered, "I just don't know what's wrong with me. I feel so weak, and I'm crying all the time."

"Don't worry about it Maeve," Jesse assured me. "You'll get over it, and be your old self in no time."

"You think so?" I asked.

"I know so," He told me, and then gave me a small smile.

"I just have something to add," Matthew said.

"And what is that Matthew?" Jesse asked.

"You said 'our,'" Matthew smiled.

"I did?" Jesse asked.

"Yes," Matthew laughed, "You said, 'don't you ever talk about our girl like that again.' See, you said our! Does that mean I'm included?"

My eyes widened, and I looked up at Jesse. "Does it?" I whispered.

Jesse put his head back, and sighed widely. "I...I guess we could share," He sighed.

Matthew smiled, and pushed me towards Jesse. Jesse looked surprised, but hugged Matthew anyway. I was stuck in the middle of the awkward hug, and stuck between the two men I loved.

"Can't breathe," I groaned, but that only made them laugh. Things were different now.

Matthew and Jesse pulled away, and then really shook hands. I shouldn't have been smiling, but I couldn't help it. I thought Jesse would be jealous forever, and that wasn't something I always liked to see, but I was wrong. He turned back into his old aggressive self, and maybe would become pack leader soon. I think it was only a matter of time until I turned back into my old self again too. Until then though, I would just have to stick it out, and feel the rough side of things for a while. I was alright with that, well for now.

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