Or I'll Kill You Ch. 3

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Faster than I ever had before? That's what I thought, but obviously not. The man moved closer, and closer, and then had Otto by the neck. Wow, Otto was disaster material. He brought in disaster like light did to bugs.

"Otto," I gasped, and next thing I knew, I was slamming into the man. He wasn't knocked off his feet, but he did become unsteady. I took the opportunity, and punched him in the face, and again, and again. "Change, Mae," Otto yelled.

"Oh right," I muttered, and changed as quickly as I could. I snapped at him with my sharp teeth. He hissed at me, and slammed back into me. I let out a deep howl of pain, and kicked him with my back legs.

Maeve? Maeve? What's wrong? What is going on? Jesse's voice rang through my head.

Nothing, I can handle it, I hissed, leave me alone!

Handle what Maeve? Jesse asked.

The man slammed into me again, and I howled out in pain again. His arm came close to my mouth, and I bit him. He hissed and let out howl of pain too. I got my back legs close to his face, and slammed them into his nose. Then I hit him again in the eyes. Then in his stomach. He never saw it coming, so I hit his stomach again.

The man back off, and hid into the tree shadows. "Maeve, Otto," Jesse called, "Come on back, we all need to talk!"

"I'll be back," the man said in a dark voice that reminded me of some movie I watched when I was little.

Jesse came into the clearing, gasping for air. He sniffed the air, and then scrunched his nose. "Whoa, it smells," He commented, and then looked over at me. "Why are you bleeding? Maeve, you're bleeding."

I laid my head back onto the grass, and allowed myself to change into my regular form. "Don't look Otto," I told him, and he covered his eyes. I strolled over to Jesse's old clothes, and put them on.

"Maeve wait," Jesse said, and then he lifted my shirt up a little, right above my belly button, and looked at the cut on my stomach. "What happened?"

"Nothing," I muttered, pulling my shirt, I mean his shirt, down. "We need to leave though," I told him, and then grabbed Otto's hand, "And it has to be fast."

"How fast?" Jesse asked.

"Like grab the closest things to you, and bolt, fast," I told him, and then started running. Jesse started running too.

We weren't far from the pack. They all looked surprised when we walked in. "Everyone listen," I instructed, "I don't care if I'm being to rash or not, but we need to leave now. Understand? Grab the closest things, and let's go."

"Why should we trust you?" Afton asked.

"Otto and I were just attacked," I said through clenched teeth, "And if I go, we all go."

"She has a point," Ida whispered.

"Fine," Afton hissed.

"Where will we go?" My cousin Aaron asked.

"Somewhere far," I answered.

"Well that's specific," My other cousin Rose huffed.

"Well let's get packing," My mom said, as she threw her hands into the air.

"He's on his way," I said, with a little bit of panic in my voice.

"Is the almighty Maeve scared?" Afton asked, as he raised one eyebrow.

"Give it a rest, Afton," Said my Aunt Daye, who was married to Afton.

"You know that this is rare, Daye," Afton said, "Maeve is always making us feel scared, and shameful. Why not do it to her when we have the chance?"

"This is hardly the time," Daye protested, "Maeve, where do you think we should go?"

"Right now, as far as we can run, and we should be out of the forest," I told everyone.

Several people gasped, and murmured their protests. "What if our children can't run," Yelled my Aunt Leila, who had 5 kids, and only her oldest could change.

"The stronger ones can carry the weaker ones," I answered.

"But we've always lived in the woods," My cousin Reed, "Even the younger ones, and the ones that don't change wouldn't know what it would be like living in the real world, with real people."

I shrugged, "It's either that, or being constantly hunted!"

"Maeve is right," Jesse said, "Let's go."

Jesse's word was final, no one would ever argue with something that Jesse forced. Jesse wasn't officially our pack's leader, but with black hair, and black stony eyes, no one would ever argue with a man so forceful. We would all decide the pack leader on the next lunar eclipse, because our last leader, Mackenzie, was killed while he was out making sure the area was clear.

We all grabbed things that weren't ruined in the fire, and the money that we hid deep in the Earth. It took 4 wolves to actually dig up the money, and then we were sent on our run.

Teresa had her little plump arms wrapped around my furry neck, and Otto held onto my mom's brown fur. My mom was too weak though, so she started to whimper, and Jesse took over. He pulled Otto onto his back by his neckline. Mom gave one more whimper before running again.

Jesse let out a howl, to tell everyone that he was going to lead us to our spot, but if someone else wanted to go ahead, and lead he would be fine with that. Of course no one did though, except for me. Jesse and I ran side by side, about 10 feet in front of everyone else.

In my mind, I kept warning everyone over and over again, not to let out a single howl, but of course our youngest pack member, Ginger, stubbed her toe, and fell. She let out a howl of pain, and we all looked around frantically.

Ginger, please, I whispered in my mind. Ginger whimpered, and some of my other family helped her up. She limped a little, but she told me she could run. Then let's go, I instructed, and we started to run faster than before, because Jesse and I were afraid we would attract someone.

We were all one family, so we all shared a mind. We don't know each other's exact thoughts, but we can communicate with one another through our minds. Well, only the ones that can change, but if someone is in their wolf form and is looking at, or looking for someone who doesn't change, we can sometimes hear their thoughts, but it really depends how close they are.

Like right now, I could hear Otto's worried thoughts, about how mom couldn't even stand to carry his weight. She wasn't that old or fragile, she just wasn't used to having to be responsible. Our dad was the one that always took care of the three of us, before he knew what mom and I really were, and he would tell me never to let people walk all over me or my brother and sister. He said that our whole family was one, and that if we stuck together no one would be able to walk all over us. He only walked the walk though. Once mom told him what she and I were, he bolted. He hated the idea that his first child was a werewolf.

That's one of the rituals for werewolves. The gene is passed down, from child to child, but only the first child has the privilege to become a werewolf.

Mom refused to bite dad on the new moon. Every two months, there is a new moon, and the new moon was very powerful to a werewolf. If a werewolf bit someone on the night of a new moon, the person would also become a werewolf, and would fall in love with the werewolf that bit them. The new moon was more powerful than a full moon.

The full moon wasn't affective like it is in the movies. We can all change whenever we want on choice, and even on the full moon. The full moon is also the only time a werewolf could change a human into a werewolf.

When my dad found out these facts, he got up and left. It broke my mom's heart, and it taught me one thing: that I could never let anyone trample on me again. Not even my own family!

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