Or I'll Kill You Ch. 11

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The girl with the long curly hair, and thin waist, walked towards the forest. She held hands with the tall boy with the shaggy black hair. I evened the girl, because she was just so pretty, and she got the guy on top of that. Then on top of that, there was a guy chasing after her. Another tall guy with dark brown hair. I know they both came with her, but why should she get two guys? Why not me?

I waited in my warm car, sitting there, and waiting for them to come back. I pulled my legs under my butt, and just sat like that for what seemed like hours.

Alright, it was hours.

It wasn't till past dark when the girl with the black haired guy came out. The brown haired guy didn't come out till a little later. Did they know he was in the forest with them? What were they even doing in the forest?

I crouched down in my seat, and slowly followed them in my car. When I came to this small house, the door opened, and I saw all the people inside. I read about this before, and suddenly I knew what they were.

My Mom said I always jumped to conclusions, but most of the time the conclusions I came up with were accurate. So I waited in the car a little longer, waiting for something to happen.

That's when the door opened again, and the tall guy with the brown hair came out. I got out of my car, and stood in front of him. "What're you doing here?" He growled.

"I want to be one of you," I whispered.

He laughed like I just told a funny joke. "You don't know what you'd get yourself into," He chuckled.

"That's not true," I argued, "I've read about you guys, and I want to be in that house, with your kind."

The boy looked me up and down, and then smiled. "Alright," He whispered, "Follow me."

My eyes widened, and I gave a small smile. Was this what I wanted? Well of course it was, I hated my home. My Mother never respected me, and my house was always full of loud crying. When I was younger my Dad hit me too, he got sent away for it, but not by my Mother. My Mom just stood there, and watched. She wasn't a good Mother.

I followed the boy into the forest, and I had a feeling that something was going to go wrong. That didn't stop me from walking though. He lead me deep into the forest, and then faced me.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"Of course," I whispered.

He laughed again, and smirked, "Like I would change you."

"What?" I asked, but it was too late. The boy was changing, and he charged towards me. I stood in terror, and just allowed him to attack me.

I had been so stupid.

It wasn't a full or new moon. I knew that too, and I should have known that I wouldn't have been able to change. How could I have been so stupid?

When he bit me and scratched me, it did nothing. I was there on the ground, screaming for someone to help me, but no one was there. He went for my face, and my stomach, and my arms, and my neck.

After he was finished, he just ran away, and I was left there alone to thrive, and beg for help on the cold ground, in the middle of the forest. No one came to help me though.

Well, that's what I thought. I could see a shadow looming over me, and then someone sunk their teeth into my neck. I screamed in pain, but not because it hurt, but because I was scared.

The bite numbed me though, and I was able to close my eyes. Then a wrist was pressed to my mouth, and slowly I was able to drink the warm liquid that was given to me.

When I was finished, I lay there for what seemed like hours. When I opened my eyes, a dark figure stood over me, with blood on his chin. He was wearing shabby jeans with a white shirt with a black jacket over it. His eyes were red, with a scar under his right one, and he was wearing a small smirk.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"The question should be who are you?" He chuckled.

"I'm Samantha," I whispered.

"Can I call you Sammy?" He questioned, "You'll be my little Sammy."

"Who are you?" I repeated.

"What am I," He corrected.

"Alright, what are you?" I sighed.

"A vampire," He smiled, "And now, so are you."

I sat up, and looked around me with clear eyes. Suddenly my adrenaline was up, and my senses felt clearer than ever before. "This isn't what I wanted," I cried, "I didn't want this."

"Ops, oh well," He laughed.

"Who are you?" I asked, moving away from him.

"My name is Nathaniel," He whispered, "But you can call me Nate."

"What's going to happen?" I asked, my eye brows pulling together.

"You're on my side now," He told me, "And you will do what I say."

"And if I don't?" I asked.

He smiled at me, and then bit my wrist. It hurt way more then when he bit my neck. I screamed in pain, and tried to pull away, but he wouldn't let me go. My arm was locked in his grip, and he continued to bite down harder.

"Alright I get it," I screamed, and he let me go with a smile.

"Good. Now what do you know about that family of mutts?" He growled, showing his fangs.

"Just that they just moved here," I whispered, "And that the skinny one and the tall one with dark brown hair are dating."

"Hmm is one of them weak?" He questioned.

"Not that I know of," I told him, "The small one punched a guy in the nose, and the tall one pinned a guy to the wall and almost chocked him to death."

"That's not good," He muttered, and then held out a hand to help me up. I held onto his cold hand, and was pulled strongly to my feet. I stretched, and felt calmer than ever.

"How you feeling?" He asked.

"Calm," I sighed.

"Can I have a hug?" He asked with a little pout.

I rolled my eyes and hugged him. He held me tightly, and rested his head in my hair.

When we pulled away, I couldn't help but give a small smile. "So what're we going to do?" I asked, "How are we going to get into that house?"

"Don't worry about that Sammy," He whispered.

"What're we going to do?" I asked, "Why would we hurt them?"

"Because their old leader, Mackenzie," He said, "Killed my brother, and I am never going to forget that. They all need to pay for that. Especially the skinny one who helped pin me down. That little brat is going down."

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