Or I'll Kill You Ch. 17

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When it was late at night, and Max started to yawn, I ordered him to pull into the next motel. He parked the in the parking lot, and lay his head back on the head rest. "Come on," I ordered, pulling on his sleeve, "Let's go."

"But I'm tired," Max complained, pushing me away.

"Fine, sleep in the car," I shrugged.

"No wait, I'm coming," He groaned, and then slowly got out of the car. Jesse and I didn't wait for him, because if we did Jesse would probably pick Max up by the collar, and drag him to the hotel.

We walked in, and were greeted by the three door men waiting for us. I held tightly to Jesse as we walked into the check in desk, and got a room. Max followed us all the way to the elevator, and then stopped.

"Come on," I urged, "I'm tired and I want to go to bed."

"I'll catch the next one," He said, waving his hand.

"There are only two people in this one," I laughed, "Don't be ridiculous, and let's go."

"No it's alright, go," He told me, "Go."

"Come on," Jesse hissed in my ear, using the arm that was over my shoulder to press the floor button. The doors started to close, but as they did, I saw Max let out a sigh of relief. I smiled, and stuck my hand in between the doors. "Maeve," Jesse yelled in alarm, but instead of the doors closing on my fingers, the doors dinged, and then opened.

"What're you waiting for?" Max asked.

"Are you scared Maxie?" I cooed, batting my eyelashes.

"Afraid of what?" He asked nervously.

"The little elevator?" I pressed.

"No...yeah, no," He stuttered, like he was unsure at first, but then decided his answer.

"Prove it," I whispered, standing by the doors so they didn't close again. The elevator let out a few beeps, telling us that something was in the way. Max looked at it with wide eyes, and his mouth slightly agape. "Come on Max," I whispered.

He took in a deep breath, and then stepped in the elevator. "What floor are we on?" He asked, looking up at the top of the elevator.

"Twelfth," Jesse answered with a smile. The elevator slowly rose, and Max looked worried.

"I'll get off now," He whispered to me.

"Scared of a little elevator?" Jesse joked.

"Have you ever been on an elevator?" Max snapped.

"When I was younger," He sighed.

Max pressed his lips together, and then looked at the numbers. I raised an eyebrow, and Jesse just smiled. "Shush," He muttered, giving me an evil smile. I narrowed my eyes and was about to ask him what he was going to say, but it was too late. Jesse stood up on the side railing, lifting his feet up, and then jumping onto the ground.

"What're you doing?" Max yelled eyes wide.

"Having a little fun," Jesse laughed, and then jumped again. Max held tightly to the railing, and sat on the ground.

"Stop," He yelled.

"Why? Scared?" Jesse pressed, jumping again.

Max looked truly scared, and I felt a little bad for him. "Jess," I sighed, giving him an angry look. He just rolled his eyes and jumped again.

"Stop," Max cried, holding tightly to the railing.

"Jesse," I pressed, "Stop it!"

"Say it Max," He growled, leaning down towards Max's face, "Say it. Tell me you're scared."

"Jesse," I growled.

"Say it Max," Jesse snapped, jumping again.

"Jesse, stop," I snarled, "Stop it!"

"Yeah, stop," Max chimed.

"Say it," Jesse spat, "Say you're scared at that you'll never touch Maeve again."

"Is this what this is about?" I whispered.

"Say it," Jesse demanded, pressing the button that kept the elevator doors closed. Jesse stood close to Max, and jumped in the air. When he came back down the elevator shook, and Max screamed.

"Alright," He surrendered.

"Go ahead and say it," Jesse ordered.

"I'm scared of elevators," Max admitted.

"And?" Jesse pressed.

"I won't agree to the other one," He said, smiling devilishly at me. I rolled my eyes, and crossed my arms over my chest. I wished Max would just do what Jesse said; because he being scared just made him look weaker then Jesse already thought he was.

Jesse raised his eyebrows, and then jumped again. The lights flickered and Max freaked out. "Alright alright," He cried, "I won't touch her again. I swear! Now just let me out!"

Jesse smiled, and said, "That was all I wanted to hear. He released the button, and the elevator doors opened. Max crawled out the door, and I followed him with my arms crossed over my chest. We walked into our room, and set our bags on our beds. I walked into the bathroom, and Jesse followed me.

"That was funny, wasn't it?" He laughed.

"No, that was rude," I snapped, pulling off my shirt and changing into my pajama shirt.

"Maeve," He sighed.

"Don't talk to me," I sneered, "I'm angry at you."

Jesse rolled his eyes, and leaned against the closed door. He crossed his arms, and waited for me to continue getting ready for bed. When I was ready to leave he wouldn't move. "Forgive me?" He pleaded.

I bit my lip, and narrowed my eyes. "Please?" He asked, opening his arms. I narrowed my eyes, but that only made Jesse smile. I pouted my lip and he hugged me tightly.

"That was awfully rude," I told him, resting my chin on his shoulder.

"I know," He sighed.

"Will you apologize?" I asked.

"No," He growled pulling away. Then I pushed around him, and left the bathroom.

Max was sitting on the extra bed, looking freaked out. "Come on Maeve," Jesse groaned. I pulled the top covers off of the other bed, and laying them on the couch. "What are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm sleeping on the couch," I grumbled.

Jesse came closer, but I put my hand up. "Don't touch me," I snapped, and then lay on the couch. I pulled the covers up close to my chin, and closed my eyes. Jesse sighed, and walked to the other bed.

"Good night Maeve," He said, even though I was angry with him.

I opened my eyes and gave an evil smile. "Good night Maxwell," I said instead, "Sweet dreams."

Max looked at Jesse, and then back at me. "Night Maeve," He whispered, "Sweet dreams."

I huddled close in the covers, and closed my eyes. I wished for sweet dreams, but of course, instead I had nightmares.

This may seem stupid, but Jesse jst gets REALLY jealous when people are around Maeve.

Keep reading to find out why in the nxt chapter why;)

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