Or I'll Kill You Ch. 20

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Nate narrowed his eyes at us, and then looked at the bandaged wounds, which made him chuckle. "Very brave," He laughed, "Well done Maeve, though I am upset that you found them so soon. Oh well, I guess I'll have to kill you all sooner."

"Wait Nate," I gasped, "Things can be different. We hurt you and you hurt us."

"No, someone has to die," He sighed.

"Then let me get them outside to safety, and then you could kill me," I sighed.

"What...no," Matthew gasped, holding his side, "I'm bleeding the most already- have me."

"Oh no," I argued.

"Everyone wants to be lunch," Nate laughed, "What fun!"

"Matthew," I hissed, "I'm in charge, remember? We follow my orders!"

"Not this time love," He snapped, "You need to take your brother home. Your family needs you; no one needs me there anymore."

"So I'm a nobody now?" I whispered, my eyes looking up at him.

"You have Jesse," He sighed, "And he'll take care of you."

"Could we hurry this up?" Nate groaned, "I'm so hungry."

"No, I want you there too," I argued.

"There's no way for you both to go back unless you're giving me the kid," Nate mused, and Otto cowered into my side.

"This is not going to work out," I sighed, "I guess we'll just have to kill him."

"Excuse me?" Nate laughed, "I don't think I heard you correctly. You were going to kill me? Yeah, I don't think so."

Jesse leapt out from behind in his wolf form, and tackled Nate to the ground. Nate wasn't as strong when he was surprised, but soon he would regain his strength, and not be able to carry on. I quickly put Matthew on the floor, and went charging towards Nate and Jesse.

Nate flipped over, and started wrestling Jesse, but I was already there. I had the stake out from my waist- the one that Jesse made me- and was ready to kill Nate when someone screamed, "FREEZE OR THE BOY GETS HURT!"

I looked over, and I saw Samantha holding Max by the neck. He looked terrified and confused. "Max," I hissed.

Samantha held the knife to his throat, and narrowed her eyes. "Back away from Nate," She ordered, "Or I slit his throat." I looked at Jesse, and together we backed away from Nate.

How could we forget about Samantha? How did we skip over her, and forget to include her in the plan?

"That was to close," Samantha hissed at Nate, as he got up, and walked towards her.

"I know what I'm doing," He snapped.

"Well clearly you would have been staked if I didn't save you," She countered. Nate glared at her, and then looked back at us. Jesse and I stood protectively over Otto and Matthew- Jesse still in his wolf form, and me with my stake in the palm of my hand.

"Where do we go from here?" Nate mused, tapping his chin. I rolled my eyes, and didn't notice Matthew standing up from behind me.

"Cover my back," He hissed in my ear, and then stepped out in front of me. Before I could ask what he was doing, he ripped the curtain off his side to reveal the fresh blood.

Samantha's glare turned into longing. Her grip on Max loosened, and she almost started to pant. "Samantha, control yourself," Nate scolded, but it was too late.

She released Max, and went charging for Matthew. My eyes widened, and I couldn't bare think of Matthew getting hurt even more. So I stepped out in front of him quickly, and stabbed my stake into her stomach. She doubled over, holding her stomach, and moaned.

I took the stake out, and pierced her again where her heart would have been. "Watch it," I growled, "He's mine."

Samantha was dead though.

Jesse went charging for Nate, but Nate quickly picked up Max, and held his neck to his fangs. "Stop," I screamed.

"You take one of mine, I take one of yours," He sang, and then sunk his teeth into Max's neck. Max screamed in pain, and I could feel my eyes tearing up.

Jesse collided with Nate, and sent him flying into the wall. "Max," I screamed. Jesse pinned Nate to the wall, and Max was dropped to the floor. "Max," I gasped, running to his side.

His neck was bleeding badly, but he still looked at me. "Stay here Max," I whispered, "Please stay here!"

"Maeve," He moaned.

I took the bottom of my shirt, and ripped it all the way around, revealing my skinny stomach. I put it on the side of Max's neck, and wrapped it around. "Stay here," I whispered, and then grabbed my stake and went to help Jesse.

Nate took Jesse's pawl, and snapped it. Jesse fell back a little, whimpering, and I went in with my stake.

Since I was not in my wolf form, Nate easily picked me up, and threw me against the opposite wall. My head slammed the wall, and I slid to the ground, where I sat in a slump position.

"Maeve," Matthew yelled, and I opened my fuzzy eyes. I saw the blurry figure of Matthew, slowly and painfully, crawl towards me.

"No stay," I moaned, but my head hurt too much to talk. Matthew grabbed my wrist, and pulled me to his side. "You'll hurt yourself more," I grumbled.

"Are you hurt?" He asked, "Maeve, look at me."

I rubbed my eyes with my fist, and then slowly looked up at him. "Oh no," He muttered, "Alright, you might have a concussion."

"I didn't hit that hard," I slurred, but then realized that sentence didn't make total sense. Matthew put his finger under my chin, and tilted my face upwards so I could look at him. His eyes looked troubled, as if he was worried about me.

I pulled away, and slowly stood up, shaking, and my legs wobbling. "Maeve," Matthew warned, but I didn't want to hear it.

"Where's my stake," I grumbled, looking down, but it made me dizzy. I stumbled, and fell into Matthew's lap. He made a sound of surprise, but didn't let me stand back up. "Let me go," I moaned, but he held tightly to the top of my upper arms.

"You can't fight," He told me, "You're too weak, and your head is hurt badly."

"I'm fine," I murmured, trying to stand up again, but it only made me dizzier.

"Let's just take Otto, and get out of here," He whispered in my ear, and then looked around, "Where is Otto?"

"This little guy?" Nate asked, and Matthew and I both looked up. Nate had Otto held tightly in his hand, and Otto was whimpering.

"Don't touch him," I spat, but Nate just smiled with his fangs. Matthew's hands loosened on my shoulders, and I could tell he was scared.

"I think he'll be yummier then your other friend," Nate smiled, and then sunk his teeth into Otto's neck. His eyes were frightened, and he looked at me with begging eyes.

"OTTO," I screamed, but it was too late. The light left Otto's eyes, and he looked at me before his eyes slowly rolled back. That was when I knew he was dead.

:( when I wrote this i was really upset, but i knew it had to be done......sry otto!!

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