The Plan

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Emma's POV

A month had passed and Killian had taught me everything I needed to know about being at a school. I was now a school master, which may sound a little weird in other cases.

We haven't told anyone that we were dating yet. Regina was the only one who knew about us.

Now that I'm not nearly as clueless about school as I was before, the bullying had completely stopped, and was replaced with flirting. Almost all of the guys in the grade flirted with me, including Graham and Will. And it was only a matter of time before they had other ideas.

But before they even have a chance, my plan would come along, and we'll see how that will end up for them.

Of course, I didn't have the exact details planned out. The things they would say might make me change the whole plan. But I had a feeling I had a pretty good idea of what might happen.

In science, we were going to do a group project, which was my best chance to enact my plan. It was those type of projects that you had to work with a group out of school. Though I didn't want to go to Graham or Will's house, or let them into my house, this was the prefect opportunity.

Mr. Pan was going to pick the groups himself, and I know he's the type of teacher to go against everyone's requests. So, I loudly said to Regina, making sure he would hear, "I'll gladly work with anyone, as long as it's not Graham and Will," I winked.

"And I'd definitely not want to work with Killian," she stated, winking back to me. Regina and Killian have grown pretty close ever since I told Regina that he was innocent.

"Well, that's exactly who you're going to work with. Be careful with your words next time," he demanded.

"Yes!" Regina and I whispered to each other simultaneously.

I saw a smirk grow on Graham and Will's faces when Mr. Pan said the three of us would work together. I walked over to their table, prepared for all of their flirtatious moves.

"Well, look who it is," Graham said.

"Emma Swan," Will responded.

"The hottest girl at school," Graham added. "I'd like to take her out sometime."

"As would I," Will said.

"No way! She's mine!" Graham argued.

"No, she's mine! She likes me more!" Will shouted.

They argued on, and on, until everyone including Mr. Pan were concentrating on us instead of their work.

"Enough!" I shouted, a little louder than I may have intended to. "No need to fight over me. Besides, I'm already taken."

"Taken?!" They yelled concurrently.

"Who's the lucky guy?" Graham asked.

"As a matter of fact, Killian," I responded, knowing this would get them fired up. And that's exactly what happened. Their jaws immediately dropped to the floor.

"Killian?!" They shouted.

"You do know he's playing you, right?" Will asked.

"Actually," Killian said from behind them. "Emma helped me discover your scam. Nice try, but you're not getting my beautiful Swan."

"And you never will!" I added.

"We'll see about that," Graham said. "We're doing this project at your house. And if you disagree, you might as well get a zero on it."

"Fine, we'll do it at my house. But that won't change how I'm feeling at all."

"We'll just have to wait until then. How about tomorrow?" Will asked.

"Alright, good luck with your 'mission.' You're going to need it when you fail."

"I can guarantee you we won't fail," Graham argued.

I was about to say something back, but I've already had enough talking to Graham and Will. They definitely won't take no as an answer, which makes me worried as to what will happen tomorrow. I know that they won't change how I feel, but I'm worried about what they'll try to do.


A day has passed and for the first time in my life, I don't want the school day to end. I've been shaking in fear the whole day, and who knows what they'll try to do. It could be a lot worse than I expect, and I'm not doubting that.

When the bell rang, Killian rushed over to me.

"Love, remember, whatever they do, don't give in, no matter what it takes."

"Don't worry, Killian. I won't."

He nodded and anxiously turned away from me to get his things from his locker.

I waited for everyone in the hallway to exit the school, hoping there would be traffic. I thought telling Regina about my relationship with Killian would be the most terrifying thing I'd ever had to do, but I was wrong. Allowing Graham and Will into my house definitely wins the gold medal.

Unfortunately, there wasn't much traffic on the day I needed it the most. By the time I got to my house, I could see Graham and Will smirking at each other at the front door. I rolled my eyes as I got out of the car.

"Let's get this over with," I sighed as I unlocked the door for them.

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