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Killian's POV

A few minutes have already passed, and as I turned to get closer to the front door, I was greeted by Will, who had some rope in his hands. I could sense Emma is in trouble by the vision standing in front of me.

"Why, hello there Killian," Will smirked. "Fancy seeing you here."

"Hello, Will," I rolled my eyes. "I was wondering when you were gonna come. It's about time!" This may have been a lie, but Emma is my everything. And I'll do anything to protect my everything.

"Nice try," he laughed. "Now save us both some time and just surrender Emma to Graham."

"Never," I rejected his offer. "Why doesn't Graham save us both some time and just accept the fact that he's never getting Emma?"

"Sorry," Will said. "That's not part of the deal. Now, lets tie you up."

Emma's POV

"Let's play!" Graham said as he joined me on his bed, leaping onto me.

"Ouch!" I cried.

"Oh, you think that hurts?" He laughed. "We've barely started."

"Please, stop! This won't make me love you more! It'll only make things worse between us!"

"You think this is about you loving me?" He questioned. "Oh honey, how dumb can you get? I don't love you. I never have and I never will. Do I care if you love me or not? Well, Emma, the answer to that question is no. All I care about is you being mine, and only mine."

"If you don't love me, and I don't love you, why exactly do you want me to be yours?" I asked.

"Because, Emma, you're hot. Everyone wants to be with you. The only reason I want you is so I can use you to make myself much more popular. I'm very popular already but with you, I'd be the most popular person in town. And incase you haven't noticed, this is a win-win situation. I can make myself more popular, while making you more popular in the process."

"I don't care about popularity!" I argued. "All I care about is being with the person I love! No matter how hard you try, I'll never be yours!"

"But there's one thing you don't seem to understand. For example, how'd I get you to come here in the first place?"

It all made sense now. He planned it out, everything.

"Wait, so you're the reason why Killian and I broke up in the first place? But how?"

"With a little something I call skill and timing. I've been watching you, Emma. I'm the only reason why Mary Margaret, or should I say Eva, turned psycho. Of course I couldn't guarantee anything to happen, but I've known Killian for much longer than you have, and I knew that he'd go against you for sure. Now, which of these deals will you take? We can either do this the easy way and you can surrender yourself to me, or we can do this the hard way, and I'll cause you so much pain that you'll have to surrender yourself to me."

I stared at him in silence.

"The hard way it is!" He said as he jumped on me, slapped me, and kicked me.

"Ouch!" I screamed as tears and mascara ran down my face. "I'm human too! I have feelings! Stop it, please!" I pleaded.

"Only once you hand yourself over to me!" He shouted as he continued what he started.

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