A New Ship Has Sailed

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Killian's POV

As soon as I sat down at a table, many girls immediately followed. Seeing that Emma and I aren't sitting together at lunch, everyone automatically assumed we were no longer together. I have no idea if Emma thinks we've broken up, nor do I have any idea if I think so.

"Hey Killy," a girl named Aurora greeted.

Aurora was always the one who tricked girls along with me. We never actually dated, but she just wanted to be part of the prank so she didn't have to get fooled and heartbroken like the victims of my game. She always wanted to be my real girlfriend, but I refused. She just wasn't right. No one seemed right. That is, until I met Emma.

"What do you want?" I asked her.

"Woah, there. Someone seems upset," Aurora said. "I was just gonna say that since you and Emma aren't exactly together anymore, maybe you and I can–"

"I'm not interested," I answered. "Besides, why exactly do you assume that Emma and I have broken up?"

"Isn't it obvious? She hasn't spoken to you all day. Plus, you guys aren't sitting together. You've clearly broken up. It's okay, Killian. I've been through many breakups myself. We can cope with this together."

"I said I'm not interested," I repeated more harshly.

"Okay, then. If you ever change your mind, you know where to find me," she winked as she joined her friends.

Many other girls attempted to flirt with me during the remainder of the school day. However, I hadn't given in to any of them. Emma was the only girl I ever not only wanted, but needed. No one else was nearly as perfect as Emma.

I made a mistake by not answering her, but it was the right thing to do. I didn't want what I did to my first love, Milah to happen to Emma. I still regret what I've done to Milah today. I lost her because of a similar situation. I don't want to lose Emma too, but it seems as if I already have.

Emma's POV

As I walked to my car after school, Graham chased after me. Surprisingly, he came without Will.

"Hey, Emma!" He shouted.

"What the hell do you want?" I asked.

"Well, I was just wondering if you wanted to go out with me now that you and Killian aren't dating anymore?" He questioned.

"I'm not interested," I answered as I opened my car door.

"Wait, please. Just give me a chance. I'm a really good person once you get to know me," he said.

"A good person tries to kill someone for refusing to cheat on her boyfriend with some idiot and his friend?" I questioned.

"Come on, Emma, please. Meet me at my place in an hour and we'll sort out our problems there. I want to change, for you."

I've heard those exact words come out of Killian's mouth before. This guy was just like him. I'm never gonna date a guy like Killian, ever. However, I don't seem to have any other plans today, so I'll just meet him there to see what he'll have to say.

"Fine," I gave in. "Here's my number. Text me your address, and if you text anything else, I'll block your number and you won't be seeing me at your place anytime soon. Deal?"

"Deal," he said as he went back to his car.

As soon as Regina got to my car, we drove off to her place. It took us about five minutes to get there, and Regina left after approximately thirty minutes, which I was proud of. Seeing Graham so he could try to win me over wasn't exactly the alibi she would be looking for.

As almost an hour passed, I walked to Graham's house. His house was just at the street next to Regina's house, so I didn't need to drive there.

I could see Graham staring out his window when I got there. Was he really that eager to see me?

He opened the door, a wicked grin plastered on his face. "Come in, make yourself at home."

I no longer had a home. Killian used to be my home, but that place had already left my heart.

"Look, Emma. You have no idea how much you mean to me. I love you so much," he told me.

"If you love me, why'd you try to kill me?" I asked.

"It was Will. He forced me to. I didn't want him to know that I had a soft heart," he answered.

Suddenly, I had sympathy for Graham. If I gave Killian a chance, I have to be willing to do that for Graham too. That is, as long as I know from the start that he won't make the same mistake Killian made.

"Okay, I believe you," I said. "I'll give you a chance, as long as you could tell me who I am."

"Oh, that's easy. You're the hottest, most tender girl I've ever met. You always give others second chances, even with all the crap already going on in your life. That's who you are," Graham answered. "Will you be my girlfriend?"

"I suppose so," I said. I no longer care about Killian. He's long gone. I'm willing to take Graham now that he knows me far better than Killian did.

Killian's POV

The next day, as I sat at my usual table at lunch, I spotted something unusual.

Graham was sitting with Emma. I'd expect him to be flirting with her, but no, he had his arm around her, and her head was laying on his shoulder. Looks like I got my answer. I lost her.

A/N: Before you stop reading, this is a CS fanfic, not a Gremma fanfic. I don't even ship Gremma tbh so why would I write a fanfic about them?

Don't fret, this is a CS fanfic after all. What will happen is actually very predictable if you ask me.
(Spoiler alert: Graham and Emma will be together forever dun dun dunnnn)

But anyway, I hope you guys liked this chapter (no you didn't) I'll update as soon as I can (no I won't cause I have writer's block even though I know what's gonna happen) Byeeee

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