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Killian's POV

"You do?" I asked. I was still in shock by the way those words could have possibly come out of her mouth. Was someone controlling her? Making her say everything falsely?

"Yes, Killian. I do," she responded. She then turned away from me as if she was ashamed to say it.

"Then why were you telling me the opposite on Friday?" I asked puzzled. But this was just the start of my many questions.

"I guess Regina being there made me change how I felt at that time. I would've said something completely different if she wasn't there. Everything would've turned out great," she replied, still facing away from me.

"Then why aren't you looking at me?"

"I just know I'm not doing the right thing. Lying to my best friend, admitting my feelings to a guy who did terrible things, shall I go on?" She said, slowly shifting back to her original position.

"I know it seems wrong. But doing the 'wrong' thing can't stop you from doing the things you love," I responded, trying to be inspirational.

"Then what will? It seems like my whole life is wrong!" She shouted in an angry tone, though it was more like sadness than frustration since tears were starting to grow in her eyes.

"What are you talking about? You're an angel. You have no flaws or imperfections."

"You think that cause you don't know the real me! No one does! And no one will ever understand!" At this, she started shedding nonstop tears.

"Then who are you? How is your whole life wrong?"

"If I tell you I'll just embarrass myself."

"Your secret's safe with me. Now please, just tell me so I can help you."

After a long moment of silence, she responded, "I've been homeschooled my whole life so I've known nothing about all of the crap a public school offers. And finally, when I'm in twelfth grade my mother so desperately wants to move here where it's apparently illegal to be homeschooled. My mother only cares about her damn self. I've been begging her to stay in Boston for at least one more year but she just really wanted to move to a house that barely looks better than my old one. Along with that, gives me a bedroom half the size of the one I used to have. Before I moved here, I was a lonely, friendless loser and when I finally make friends I end up lying to them. Does that not seem wrong to you? Cause I feel like my whole life was a big mistake. I was really sick when I was born and I could've died but those stupid doctors just had to save me. They didn't realize all of the trouble they'd be saving everyone if they just let me die!"

Those words shockingly hurt me. She had many unfortunate events happening in her life. But the one that definitely caused me the most pain was about the doctors letting her die.

"Emma, if you died I wouldn't have changed. You're life isn't a big mistake, mine is. I've been an idiotic fake my whole life lying to all of the girls in the grade. Until you jumped into my life. I changed for you, Emma. Imagine all of the pain I would've caused without you in my life, along with the deeds that have already been done. You make my world brighter. I never thought I'd ever be able to experience what real love felt like. That is, until I met you. You changed me the second you walked through the door. You're a breathing miracle. I'll have to thank you for all the wonderful things now happening in my life. You, Emma, are the best human that has ever lived. And screw anyone who thinks differently."

Emma's POV

What he was telling me actually kind of made me feel better.

"Why do you like me so much?" I asked confused.

"What's there not to like?"

"Everything," I answered.

"Oh, come on, Emma. You need to stop hating yourself so much. You are a lot better than you think," he said, wiping my tears away with his baby soft hands.

"Sure I am," I replied sarcastically. "And does that explain why I have such horrible luck in my life? Cause I don't think that's a reasonable answer."

"Emma, for the thousandth time, stop putting so much pressure on yourself. No one who knows you thinks the way you think. The only one who hates you is you."

"And Killian, for the thousandth time, no one really knows me, except you! And you are just like me!"

"And that is why we're perfect for each other! Don't you see Emma? If I'm just like you then you have no excuse to think that being in a relationship with me is wrong. Who cares what others think? Only what you think about us is important."

"Well, you know what the problem is? I don't know how I feel about us."

"But you said--

"That I loved you? That I did, and that feeling is true but words can't explain the thoughts that are spinning in my head. What would we tell Regina? You know her! She would find out. And I don't want to lie to her again. Haven't I already told enough? I'm surprised she didn't already get mad at me for lying about talking to you. And now this!"

"Emma, if you let other people stop you from having fun then what even is the point of life? One friend can't control you. You don't have to lie to her. You can either tell her about us," he then paused, which gave me his attention. "Or you can keep it a secret. It's your choice."

"Killian, I... I don't know. I'll have to think about it."

"Alright, you have all the time you need."

Hope you guys liked this chapter! I just wanted to let you guys know that I will probably update more on the weekends. I still write chapters on week days but I don't really have much time to edit them. I hope you guys don't mind. I will start publishing on the week days as soon as my schedule gets better. I'll update as soon as I can! 😊

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