Telling Regina

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Emma's POV

Telling Regina about my new relationship with Killian is probably going to be the most terrifying moment in my life. Seeing her reaction before telling her what Graham and Will did would make it even more challenging. Knowing Regina, she would probably kill me before I even have the chance to mention them.

The bell gave me a slight startle when it rang for lunch. Though I've been at this school for a while now, there are still plenty of things I haven't gotten used to, including the bell. It was a little too loud for a regular school bell, but considering that I've never been to a school with a bell before this one, I shouldn't judge.

I attempted to walk slowly to the cafeteria, but since the class I was in was closest to it, that was impossible without making it too obvious. Everyone in the other classes would be pushing me, forcing me to walk even if I'm not moving my own legs.

When I got there, Regina was already sitting at our usual table.

"What took you so long? I was about to start a riot if you weren't here in another thirty seconds!" She growled.

"Sorry, I had to talk to Mr. Pan about something," I lied, making sure I wouldn't give anything about Killian away yet. "Where are Robin, Ruby, and Belle?" I asked.

"Ruby is over there flirting with Dorothy," she said, pointing to the table they were sitting at. "Belle has to stay in for lunch to do makeup work, and Robin went on vacation yesterday, which you would've known if you weren't daydreaming about your new boyfriend when I told you."

How much does she know? I wonder is she knows it's Killian. Well this completely wrecks my plan about telling her today.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, hoping that she would believe me.

"Oh come on, Emma," she sighed. "Do you really think I wouldn't notice that you and Killian are dating? You were a wreck a few weeks ago when you found out what he did. And now, here you are, acting like none of that even happened. Your face lights up whenever he's around. You're my best friend, Emma. You would never get away with hiding such a secret from me."

I guess it's time to see how murderous she'll get. If she was gonna start a riot cause I came here a little late, I wonder how doomed I am now.

"For your information, Regina, we aren't dating. Were just friends," I lied.

"Just friends? Who are you trying to fool? Emma, you're a terrible liar."

"Okay, fine. We're dating. And I know you're gonna be mad at me for--" I started.

"Mad? Emma, I'm not that harsh. You know me better than that. I'm happy for you, really. I believe him now. It really looks like he has changed. And he not only changed, but he changed for you. He may have done some terrible things in the past but--"

"Regina, stop. Before I found out that you knew, I was going to show you something I found. You're not going to believe it, but Killian never did anything wrong," I said, taking my phone out of my pocket. I looked around to make sure there weren't any teachers looking at us. I would surely get detention for that.

I showed her the post and it seemed like it was too good to be true for her.

"Nuh-uh. Killian, Will, and Graham are best friends. They would never do that to him," she protested.

"When it comes to girls, those two would do anything. If they had to choose between girls and killing each other, I bet you a million bucks they would gladly choose girls."

After a long moment of dead silence she said, "This is great. But we need proof."

"Oh come on, Regina. Isn't this enough proof?" I began. "But if you really want more, Killian has been nothing but a childish teddy bear. I doubt he would even think about doing that on his own."

"Why do you have to make me feel so guilty? I was frustrated at Killian for all of this the whole time, but now that I know that Will and Graham are to blame, they're gonna pay," she barked as she began getting out of her seat.

"Relax," I said. "I already have a few things in mind, which will be much more painful than literally hurting them."

"Spill it!" She demanded. I explained my plan to her and she was shocked by how creative and mischievous I was. "Wow" was all she said. But she didn't need words to explain how much she liked this idea of mine.

"I know right? I'm still surprised that I came up with that."

"Agreed," she joked.

"Hey!" I snapped.

She laughed. "I'm kidding! No need to get all worked up."

We were having so much fun talking about Graham and Will that we didn't even notice lunch was ending in about thirty seconds. We both jumped when the bell rang.

"So when are you planning to enact your revenge?" She asked.

"Possibly a month," I responded, knowing that she wouldn't like the sound of that.

"A whole month? Why?!!"

"Well, its complicated but you'll understand eventually."

"We'll see about that," she rolled her eyes as we walked together to our next class.

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