Reunited Part 2

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Emma's POV

"Mom!" I gasped, leaping into her arms. "You came!"

"Well, I couldn't miss the opportunity I had to reunite with my daughter," she smiled. "But, that's not all."

Before I could ask what she meant, my dad leaped out of a bush.

"Dad!" I squealed. Tears gathered in my eyes. "You're alive!"

"It appears I am," David responded. "Can we come in?"

I nodded as they came in and I closed the door behind them. Killian was just walking downstairs as they sat down on the couch.

"Love, who was at the door?" He asked. I pointed to where my parents were seated. "Oh, hello Mr and Mrs. Swan."

"Who are you, and why are you calling my daughter 'love'?" David asked.

"I'm Emma's boyfriend, Killian Jones," he answered. "And I call her 'love' because, well, I love her."

"Boyfriend?" David questioned, which Mary Margaret immediately slapped him for.

"Then please, you don't have to be so formal," Mary Margaret smiled. "Just call us Mary Margaret and David."

"I'll try to remember that," Killian replied.

"So, do you wanna tell me what Eva has been doing to you all these years?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Can I please do it later," I whined. "I'm really happy right now and I don't want to ruin it with memories of her."

"Oh, of course, honey. I just want to go to the police before Eva finds out about us, so it's better now than later, but I understand if you're not comfortable talking about it now."

She's right, I need to tell her so we can get that woman arrested. "Alright," I said. "I'm ready. Where do I start?"

"From when you felt like there was something different about your mother," David answered.

I took a deep breath. "Okay, it all started one day during the summer before my first of day of kindergarten. Mom always told me that I would make a lot of friends at school, and that I was gonna get grades. But one day, when I told her I was so excited for school, since it was just a week away, she said, 'When did I say you'd be going to school?' I was a bit confused and asked what she meant and she said, 'I'm homeschooling you. You're not smart enough for school.' I cried the whole day. I was eager to start school but she immediately took my happiness away."

"Aw Emma, I'm so sorry. What other terrible things did she do?" Mary Margaret asked.

"Well, one other thing she did, which might actually surprise you is that she abused me, for the stupidest reasons," I responded. I noticed that Killian was in shock. I've never told him that she physically hurt me. "When I was seven, I was too short to reach the cabinet, which held a jar of cookies. I simply asked her if she could give me a cookie, and I made sure to say please, frightened of what she would do if I didn't. She took the cookie jar out of the cabinet and said, 'of course, honey' but instead of handing me a cookie, she chased me with the jar. She was too fast for me, so she caught up and hit me with the jar multiple times, eventually breaking it—since it was glass—and giving me cuts. The cookies fell to the floor, and instead of letting me eat them, she picked them up and threw them away. Then, she made me use the heavy vacuum to clean up the cookie crumbs with my weak arms, along with making me pick up the glass shards." By the time I had finished the last sentence of my story, a few tears had escaped my eyes.

"What else has she done?" Mary Margaret asked, trying not to notice me crying.

I explained many other things she has done, including telling about her pretending to take away my dad, and ending it with when she threatened to take Killian away from me, and when I found out she wasn't my real mother.

They were all in shock. Even though Killian knew the majority of the details, he was also still surprised.

"Wow," Mary Margaret managed to escape from her mouth. "That must've been terrible for not only you, but Killian too. I feel terrible for the both of you."

Just then, we heard the doorbell ring. Killian looked through the peephole and opened the door, revealing his mother. When she saw her new visitors, she immediately called Killian over to talk to him.

Killian's POV

"Killian, who are they?" My mother angrily asked.

"Those are Emma's parents," I answered.

"Finally, that girl could leave now."

"When did I say that?" Killian questioned. "And don't refer to her as 'that girl.' Her name is Emma."

"Well, now that Emma and her mother have bonded, they can live together again," she rolled her eyes when she said Emma.

"No, the woman living in that house and the woman in this house are two different people. That woman is a horrible person, while this woman is going to tell the cops what she did so they can catch her."

"But you said that woman was her mother."

"I thought, and I wouldn't like to get into it because I know Emma wouldn't like that. Now, until the police get that woman arrested, they're staying here," I said, storming out of the room and walking back to where Emma was.

"What was that about?" Emma asked.

"My mother wanted all of you to go back to where Eva lives. Don't worry, love. I handled it."

"Are you sure?" She questioned.

I nodded. "I wouldn't ever intend to let you down," I said, flashing her a smile. "Your parents can take the guest bedroom, and you and I can sleep where we usually do."

Emma's POV

Killian and I walked over to my parents to tell them the news. They agreed to sleep in the guest bedroom, but my dad was wary of allowing Killian and I to sleep in the same room, but that's where my mom came in, who felt the opposite way.

A few hours later, we went to the sheriff station and informed the sheriff of the things Eva had done to us. The sheriff said he would look into it as soon as he can, as he is dealing with a major crisis at the moment. He would be going to Eva's house the following day to arrest her.

Everything was going great, so after dinner, all of us went to bed.


A loud crashing sound came from the kitchen, causing Killian and I to wake up.

"What was that?" I asked, immediately rising off of the bed.

"I don't know," Killian said. "I'll go check it out."

He walked out of the room and I heard footsteps slowly getting quieter as he went. Suddenly, I heard a loud scream.

"Killian!" I shouted as I rushed out of the room, but it was too late.

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