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Thank you guys so much for more than 100 votes! When I published the first chapter, I didn't think I'd even be able to reach 1, but seeing that I now have more than 100 really brings a smile to my face! 😊💜

Emma's POV

I jumped into Killian's arms and we shared a long, warm hug. But someone had to ruin the fun when we heard footsteps gradually getting louder as they neared my room.

"Someone's coming," I said. "Go! Hide!"

Killian ran to the window.

"You'll never make it in time! She's right here! Hide in there," I instructed, pointing to the closet.

He headed for the closet and safely hid inside as soon as the door opened.

"Hey Em-" she paused when she saw the shattered glass and lamp laying on my floor, along with the blood. "What the hell happened here?"

"I was-" I began.

"No, I don't want to hear it. I thought I heard some noises but I thought you were just jumping so I wasn't really worried. And now, I walk into your room and see this? We'll talk about your punishment later."

"But that's not why you're here, right?" I suspected.

"You're right, it isn't. After thinking I had nothing to worry about, I heard a manly voice. I immediately thought you were getting kidnapped, so I rushed in and I found blood on the floor. Can you explain that to me?"

Oh no, she heard Killian.

"You have nothing to worry about. I was just watching a video for school. And the teacher in it is male," I lied, making sure not to leave any tracks of Killian.

After inspecting me for about thirty seconds, she said, "You're lying to me."

"Mom, I would never-" I started.

"Emma, stop. You're lying to me."

All of a sudden, we heard a crashing sound coming from the closet.

"What was that?" She asked. "Wait, I know. Proof that you're lying to me," she answered for herself.

She examined the room. My heart quickened when she reached the closet.

"Oh no," I whispered as she slowly opened it, jumping in fear to the figure she had just unleashed.

"Who are you?" She asked in what seemed like a flirtatious tone.

"That's Killian, my boyfriend," I answered.

"Your boyfriend?" She asked in shock. "Emma, since when did I ever say you were allowed to date?"

"You never told me I can't!" I defended.

"Well, now I am. Sorry to be a party pooper, but I'm not letting you date."

"But mom-"

"End of discussion!" She shouted as she marched out of the room.

"Killian," I said as tears started to grow in my eyes. "What are we going to do?"

"I don't know, love. Can we keep our relationship a secret?"

"My mother would find out. Believe me, I know. I guess it's just right if we go our separate ways," I answered.

"But, love-"

"I'm sorry, Killian. But there's no way we can be together. I guess you'll just have to leave."

The heartbroken look on his face caused my eyes to burn with tears. I let them out as soon as he left the room, without another word.

Sometimes the ones closest to you cause you the biggest problems. Regina caused me to almost harm myself. My mother took away my happiness. And Killian gave that happiness to me.

All that my experience in Storybrooke has taught me is to never allow yourself to be happy, especially if your name is Emma Swan. In a matter of time, that happiness will just slip away like dust.

I leaped onto my bed and squeezed my pillow as I let all of my thoughts spin through my mind. Everything I had was gone now. My family, friends, and most importantly Killian.

This all comes down to one person, the jinx, me. I drove my friends away. I made my family hate me. And the closest relationship I've ever had is gone. It's all my fault.

I want to lock myself up. I want to keep myself away from talking or making contact with anyone. I want the world to be freed from Emma Swan.

I bet the people in China are affected by me. I bet I'm the one who killed Walt Disney. I bet I forced people to give up their hopes and dreams, without even realizing it.

There was still glass on the floor, and I would end it right now. But Killian told me not to. And I love Killian more than I have ever imagined. Why give him up so soon?

My mother can't keep me away from Killian. I will fight her with everything I have if I need to. But I'm not going to just throw Killian away. What we had wasn't just like any typical relationship. We had something different, something called true love. No way was I going to let some woman who I called my mother take him away from me.

I walked down the stairs but my legs took a halt when I heard my mom talking on the phone with the speaker on. I stalked her conversation but what I discovered made my heart sink.

"I'm glad I took him away from her. The look on her face when I told her that she can't date him really made me happy," she said to the woman on the phone, who I assumed was my aunt. My aunt was the only person I knew with a high pitched voice that sounded like the screech of a hyena.

"I'm proud of you. She definitely deserves it after what she did to your husband. I would've killed her if I were you," my aunt responded.

"I was struggling not to. Anyway, she doesn't know this, but the only reason I prevented her from dating that guy was because he's too hot for anyone but me to date. I mean, seriously, he's ten times hotter than she is. I'm really saddened by what my daughter came out to be. I could've had someone like him, but I just had to have her. David and I are both good looking. I don't see how we could've possibly had someone like her. So, whether the guy likes it or not, he will be mine."

My jaw dropped at her words. My mother always told me I was pretty. I guess those were just lies. But I'm not worried about that. I'm worried about what she said about Killian. I have to stop her before it's too late.

"Mom!" I shouted. "I heard that!"

"I'll call you back," she said to my aunt as she hung up. "I was hoping you would. You don't deserve Killian."

I laughed. "Do you really think he'll agree to date you? He dated your daughter, and you're about double his age."

"Age doesn't matter. And it doesn't matter what he thinks either. He will be with me, no matter what. And you'll be lucky enough to call him dad. Just don't do the same thing with Killian that you did to your birth father."

I sprinted up the stairs as soon as my eyes overflowed with tears. I needed to move out of here. I don't care if I'm homeless, as long as I'm not with her. She threatened to date my boyfriend, but it wasn't just a threat.

I quickly packed my belongings and headed straight for the door. I got into my car and knew exactly where I needed to go. It was straight across from me.

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