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I'm so sorry it took so long to update! I've had writers block and I also didn't really have time to write! Anyway, I hope you guys like this chapter!

Also, to avoid confusion I just wanted to inform you guys that everything that happened starting with the chapter titled "Reality" until a part close to the end of this chapter has happened in one day.

Emma's POV

I drove my car out of the garage and parked it in front of Killian's house. Tears still rolling down my cheeks, I rang the doorbell, needing Killian's love more than I've ever needed it before.

"What's wrong, love?" He asked as he opened the door. Seeing the scar on his face, the scar that I caused brought even more tears to my eyes.

Before I answered his question, I jumped into his arms. It seemed like it startled him, but judging by the fact that he hugged me back really tightly, I don't think he minded.

"Can we talk about it later?" I asked. After all I've been through, I don't think I'm ready to let it all out. I need time to let my tears drop, then I can start.

"Of course, love," he responded as we both took a seat.

As Killian went to the kitchen to grab me a snack, I attempted to stop crying, hoping that it would end by the time he came back.

Unfortunately, I hadn't stopped, so I just dried my tears with a tissue instead.

"Are you ready to talk?" He asked.

I nodded. What my mother did would definitely leave him in shock, so the real question should be if he is ready.

"Not too soon after you left, I overheard my mother having a conversation with my aunt. And what she said was really upsetting. I'm still surprised she could even ever think of doing that," I said.

"What were they talking about?"

"Well, first, my mother was telling my aunt that her and my father are both very good looking, so she has now idea how she had a child that turned out the opposite way," I answered.

"What? How dare she say that about my beautiful Sw--" He started.

"Killian, stop," I cut him off. "That isn't the bad part."

He gave me a 'what could possibly be worse than that?' look before saying, "Go on."

I took a deep breath. "She said the only reason she prevented me from dating you is cause she wants to take you for herself, no matter what it takes."

"What? I'm about half her age," he responded.

"That's what I told her, but she said that I'm too ugly to have such a wonderful boyfriend, and that the only person who deserves your good looks is her. She even said that I'll be lucky to call you dad, but that I better not do what I did to my other dad to you."

"What happened to your dad?" He asked in astonishment.

"That's a story for another day. For now, let's focus on my mom," I replied. I can't tell him anything that happened to my dad, anything that I did to my dad.

"That's alright, but your mother's insane. We have to call the cops," he said as he reached for his phone.

"Killian, stop. I don't think that's a good idea, or I might be the one who ends up behind bars," I responded as I grasped his arm.

He sighed. "Alright. I just don't understand how you'll end up in jail."

"Trust me, you don't want to know. Anyway, I can't go back there, ever."

"You can stay here," Killian immediately responded.

"I doubt your mother would allow that to happen," I sighed.

"Who cares what my mother thinks. She may own the house, but I live in it, so doesn't that make it my house too?" He protested.

"Fine, but only if she agrees. If not, I guess I'll just stay in my car," I shrugged.


After a couple hours, Killian's mother arrived. I nervously sat on the couch, waiting to see what she would think. His mother seemed very nice, so I could at least hope for the best.

As soon as she opened the door, her eyes immediately met mine. "Aw, Killian. Is this the girl you were talking to outside the house a while ago."

"Yes," Killian answered. "And she has sort of a problem."

"Care to explain?" His mother asked, but I could tell she wanted me to answer instead of Killian.

"I live right across the street and my mother is going away for a month to visit my grandparents in Boston," I lied. "She doesn't want me to go, nor does she want me to stay home alone, so she asked for me to stay with a friend. Killian and I are really close friends, and he lives right across from me, so I was wondering if I could stay here. If not, I'll try to find somewhere else to stay."

After a long moment of silence, she finally answered, "Hmm, I'll think about. You can stay here tonight but I don't know if you'll be able to any other day. I'll let you know as soon as possible."

"Thank you," I responded.

I don't care how long I stay. All I care about is that I can escape from my mom's hell for a while. I know I'll have to go back someday, but that day is not today. And until then, this is my home.

Killian and I decided it would be best if we went to his room, instead of sitting with his mother who was watching 'America's Funniest Home Videos.' Every time she thought something was funny, she would crack up, and her laugh wasn't the best sounding one.

After a few hours of talking and laughing with Killian, he offered me his bed. I told him I didn't want to deprive him of his own bed, so I slept on an old mattress from his basement instead.


The next day, I was hoping to be late for school. I definitely didn't want to face Regina, especially after what happened yesterday. She's not the sweetest person you'd ever meet. More salty in my opinion.

I reluctantly parked my car in front of the school. When I entered Mr. French's class, all I could see were death stares. In the back, I spotted Ruby crying.

"What's wrong?" I asked after awkwardly walking across the classroom, attempting not to let my eyes meet anyone else's.

"Why would you do that to me? I thought we were friends," Ruby said as she wiped her tears.

I was so confused. What could I have possibly done? I missed most of yesterday's classes, and Ruby isn't even in most of them I had.

"What are you talking about?" I asked, but she didn't answer. I glanced around the room as I turned to take my seat. I then spotted Regina staring at me with a slight grin.

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