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cheerstojess added itshannahbaker, clayjenson0713, and 12 others to a group message

cheerstojess: so if you guys didn't know Devon will be here in just a couple of weeks and hopefully she's made a good first impression on you. I think we should all do something when she gets here because she's so excited to meet you all!

sheribabeee: Devon is the sweetest, I'd be down to do anything with her

alex.standall: she's sassy and I like that, I'm in

courtney.crimsen: me too

itshannahbaker: I'm good any night I'm not working

clayjenson0713: same for me

mount.gomery_: Is Makenna coming with her?

cheerstojess: what?

cheerstojess: why would she?

itsfoley: Montgomery just wants to bag a Beverly Hills girl 😂

brycemoney23: same thooo

itshannahbaker: shocker there 🙄

jeff.atkins: Who's Devon?

jeff.atkins: Who's Makenna?

cheerstojess: wait Jeff you don't follow Dev yet? I thought she followed like half of Liberty High before her mom even decided they were moving 😂

jeff.atkins: Yeah, no I don't know who that is

ryan_shaver: I don't either

prezmarcuscole: same


cheerstojess: this is Devon, she's my cousin, super cute, she's moving from Beverly Hills, follow her @dudeitsdev

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cheerstojess: this is Devon, she's my cousin, super cute, she's moving from Beverly Hills, follow her @dudeitsdev

jeff.atkins: Cute Beverly Hills girl is your cousin, the important information, got it

mount.gomery_: so no Makenna for sure?

cheerstojess: NO! She's not coming Montgomery!

mount.gomery_: 😞

itsfoley: so are we all in to throw a party for Devon or no?

cheerstojess: everyone needs to send what they think so I'll know how to not disappoint her when she actually gets here

jeff.atkins: I'm down

itshannahbaker: I should be good

itsfoley: anything for my future-cousin-in-law

brycemoney23: I'll even throw the damn party if it betters my chances with her, so yeah 😜

cheerstojess: not happening

ryan_shaver: sure why not

mount.gomery_: I guess 😑

dempzee: Hell yeah, Devon just seems like a party

clayjenson0713: count me in

courtney.crimsen: Yes of course!

sheribabeee: anything for Devon

prezmarcuscole: I'll go

alex.standall: yeah

tony.padilla: I'll try to be there

cheerstojess: great! Details soon!

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