t h i r t e e n

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Makenna 💮: Hey can I stay over tonight, mom found some of my roaches and is kinda pissed

Makenna 💮: Morgan is out of town or I would ask her

Makenna 💮: you are so damn pitiful, pick up the phone

Devon 🌸: what do you want

Makenna 💮: woahhh cut the attitude

Makenna 💮: you need to apologize to your crestmont pals

Devon 🌸: why should I?

Makenna 💮: do you hear yourself right now?

Devon 🌸: I don't wanna leave

Devon 🌸: I wanna stay here with you

Devon 🌸: and Clinton

Makenna 💮: it's time to move on Dev

Makenna 💮: do you realize how crazy that sounds

Devon 🌸: daddy issues fuck you up

Makenna 💮: I snorted

Makenna 💮: talk to me

Makenna 💮: I'm here to listen

dudeitsdev added makennaleighhhh and 11 others to a group

dudeitsdev : so i'm not really sure how to go about this but i was EXTREMELY rude to you guys the other day and definitely overstepped my bounds. i won't talk about what happened because is kinda weird and personal but i really do love all of you for being super protective of me . 💖

itsfoley: there's our Devon

dempzee: ayeeee she's back

sheribabeeee: that's my girl, you're alright we love you.

makennaleighhhh: I also need to apologize because you guys asked me what was wrong and I totally blew you guys off because I was being protective and that was more harmful and helpful

mount.gomery_: i'm just glad you're okay 😌

alex.standall: quit being soft

alex.standall: it's alright Devon, you've got stuff going on we get it

cheerstojess: i hope you're feeling better, love you dev

dudeitsdev: definitely am, i love you guys so much

itshannahbaker: glad you're both feeling better!

tony.padilla: I think we were all worried about you guys, so i'm glad too

clayjenson0713: does this mean you're both going to be obnoxiously active on instagram again?

dudeitsdev: absolutely

makennaleighhhh: watch it jenson

itsfoley: makenna is a fast learner 😂

jeff.atkins: glad you're happier 🙂

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