t h i r t y n i n e

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We were all sat around since Mrs. Bradley had decided to end our lesson early while Devon was going on about some sort of party that she went to in Beverly Hills, I tapped my pencil on the desk waiting for the the class to be dismissed since I had heard the story twice before.

"And like, Makenna was so drunk she-" Devon rambled on until the door opened, distracting all of us.

"Are you Mrs. Bradley?" A girl with dark blue hair said, not bothering to look up.

She was tall, her hair only reaching about her shoulders. She had thick black eyeliner wings on her too distract from the bags under her eyes and a septum ring like Alex's, she clearly looked like she had a type. Alex squinted his eyes trying to profile her while everyone else murmured about her.

"Yes I am, can I help you?" Mrs. Bradley finally spoke after looking at the girl herself.

"I'm your new student, I'll be in here for the rest of the year I guess." She scoffed, finally taking a look around at us all.

"Alright, welcome to liberty high." She smiled at her as she kept a expressionless look on her face as she herself tried to figure the girl out. "Why don't you take a seat Ms."

"Madison." She said with a oddly sly smile. "Madison Harper."

Devon's eyes lit up, seeing the opportunity to make a new friend today.

"Hey girl." Devon waved at her as Madison continued her way to the back of the class. "Hey, Madison, I'm talking to you."

"I heard you." She said not even turning around for her.

Devon's mouth dropped, Devon had never once in her career at Liberty High not been able to make friends with someone. She narrowed her eyes towards Madison who sat in the back of the class in a daze, you could tell she was plotting something to make a new friend today.

Of course by lunch Devon had yet to succeed with making friends with the mysterious new girl.

"Why doesn't she like me." Devon sat at the table with her hands in her palms, staring straight at Madison.

"We'll you've been stalking her all day." Zach said pointing out the obvious to her. "Chicks don't dig that."

"Nobody here hates me yet, I need her to like me." She pouted as Jeff came over the the table and slumped down infront of Devon, now blocking her view of Madison. "Jeff what the heck, how can I stalk this girl if you're in my way."

"How was your test Jeff?" Clay asked him, the only one at the moment who seemed to care.

"Fine, I guess." He shrugged reaching into his bag.

"Good." Devon smiled trying to be apologetic for her previous actions.

"If F stands for fine right?" Jeff said slamming a test paper with a big red F on it.

"Jeff what happened?" I asked remembering him bragging about how well he would do on his next History test.

"I don't know it just flew right over my head."

"Guess you need a new history tutor." Devon smirked at Clay because she knew she had done so much better at tutoring than Clay, she continued to stretch over Jeff to see Madison who has yet to even move.

"Alright what are you doing?" Jeff said pushing her shoulders down so she'd sit in her seat.

"I need to know all information on that girl, she won't be my friend." She said once again pouting making us all roll our eyes.

"I heard she's a foster kid." Justin chimed in.

"Makes sense, no wonder she looks like that." Jessica followed eyeing Madison's blue hair and tattoos, and I believed she had a point.

"Why would you want to be friends with her?" Jeff asks now taking a good look at her. "She's definitely freaky."

"You said that same thing about Skye Miller a few months ago." She said standing up, slinging her signature Chanel bag over her shoulder. "And Skye is a sweetie, I bet Madison is too deep down."

She walked over to Madison's table and we all watched as she exchanged words with her before slowly waking back to us.

"How'd it go?" I ask, the disappointment clearly on her face said it all.

"I'll grow on her." She said waving it off like it's nothing. "Jeff do you want to go study?"

"Fine." He sighed, clearly still mad he failed his test.

As soon as they were gone Madison made eye contact with me before shooting a glare towards me, I was completely unphased by her though because unlike Devon I didn't care what this girl thought about me.

"Remind me again why Devon cares so much about the Smurfete wannabe again." I said now rolling my eyes, flipping my hair behind my shoulders.

"She's all about approval or whatever, some sort of traumatic event happened in Beverly Hills I'm sure." Jess shrugged.

"Her last boyfriend had something to do with it, I mean I think." Hannah shrugged, acting weird. "I mean I couldn't know or anything but he seems to be the root of all problems."

"Devon is sweet don't get me wrong." I said putting my hands up. "But she has that 'I don't give a shit' attitude all the time, so why does she care so much about approval?"

"Sheri's right." Clay agreed. "It's just kind of weird don't you think?"

"Maybe she has sympathy for foster kids." Zach joined in.

"Maybe she has sympathy for weird kids in general." Justin laughed.

Despite the discussion at hand, we knew Devon would do everything in her power to win Madison Harper over at all cost.

short, but i'm only setting the stage for something bigger to come.

next chapter will be up within the hour, promise.

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