s e v e n t e e n

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⚾️ j e f f  ⚾️

"I bet that if I can-" I start to say before Clay cut me off.

"No more betting Jeff, you past your semester test already and you're a senior now." Clay laughed. "I have to go to the next party, which I guess is going to be Devon's party."

"Are you guys betting each other again?" Hannah says come up from behind both of us. "What are we betting on, I want in."

"We're not betting." Clay shakes his head multiple times, making things way more suspicious than they needed to be. "We were talking about Devon's party."

"I'm so excited to meet Devon you guys have no idea." Hannah boasts pure and genuine excitement radiating from her body. "Aren't you guys? She seems great."

"Oh, she's something alright." Clay mumbles. "I think she's going to be so unimpressed with the party Jessica's throwing that she'll move back."

"That's not a very good attitude, Jenson," I say patting his back. "Devon's cool, I don't think she'll be too unimpressed."

"Jeff you didn't even know she existed until a few days ago." Hannah rolled her eyes.

"And all you've ever said to her was something surly defending her from Bryce." Clay joined in.

"I've talked to her," I say proudly defending myself, "we talked the other day."

"About what?" Clay crosses his arms while Hannah smirked at us both as if she were impressed.

"I asked her about Montgomery and Makenna, then she said a big word that I didn't know and she had to explain it to me and-"

"What was the word?"


"Livid isn't a big word."

"It's pretty big."

"L-I-V-I-D. Five letters Jeff."

"Clay, let him finish his story." Hannah giggled.

"Yes, please." I crossed my arms at him to mock him. "Anyways, she said something about being super good at English and she offered to tutor me next year."

"Wait, that's my job," Clay said looking quite disappointed.

"Yeah, but I didn't figure she'd actually want to tutor me."

"Sounds like she was flirting to me," Hannah added.

"She was not flirting with me."

"Jeff she totally was," Hannah says placing a hand on her hip stopping herself on the sidewalk.

"You don't just offer to tutor someone without having a reason," Clay added.

"Oh really? What's your gain, Jenson." I smirked at him know his cheeks would burn bright because Hannah was with us.

"That doesn't matter, I think if she was flirting with you maybe you should try talking to her." He said tucking his head down as we begin to walk again. "I mean she's really pretty, you should go for it."

"Okay but what if she was just being friendly, maybe she wants like Montgomery, or Alex, or anyone else here, but Bryce."

"Like Makenna would let her have Montgomery," Hannah mumbled, almost low enough to where I couldn't hear her.

"Jeff, I'm pretty awkward and usually don't understand the whole flirting thing works but-"

"Oh, that's for sure." Hannah interrupted him.

"But I think Hannah even agrees, she's totally into you."

Hannah nods in agreement as we made our way past the Baker's Drug Store, where we were leaving Hannah and making our own ways home. With that, we each said goodbye to Hannah and turned back around to walk.

"Do you think she was flirting with me?" I ask again, anxious with how the whole situation had played in my head. "All she did was offer to tutor me."

"I think Jessica said she'll be a sophomore next year, meaning that she'd be a sophomore tutoring a senior. That doesn't just happen every day. So what do you think?"

"She didn't know I was a senior."

"Okay, you have a point." Clay saying walking to me my car on the side of the street where he left his bike. "You know for someone so good with girls, Devon makes you awfully nervous."

"Jenson, she wasn't flirting with me."

"Whatever you say, Jeff." Clay rolled his eyes. "I'll see you at her party next weekend, then you can tell me she wasn't flirting."

"Oh trust me I will." I rolled my eyes back making sure he watched me as he peddled away.

There was no way in hell that Devon was flirting with me, right? I help Clay all the time with flirting, I think I would have noticed if she was flirting with me.

The more important question was why I was stressing so much over this girl? I don't even know her. Sure she was pretty and looked like she was fun, but she could be a total bitch offline.

I'll just talk to her some more, I'll figure it out.

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