t e n

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💮 m a k e n n a 💮

I tapped my finger on the side of my glass because I knew it drove Devon insane, readjusting my eyes to the bright restaurant lights as I had been looking at the dessert menu below me for far too long. I look up to find Devon nothing but annoyed, was it from my indecisiveness or annoyance?

"Knock it off." She says reaching for her own glass.

"I'm just playing with you Dev." I giggled. "You're cute when you're mad."

"Well I'm not playing with you, Kenna. Pick a dessert I'm dying over here." She fanned herself for lack of a promised delicious treat. "I've been craving this all damn day."

"How about the-" I begin to make it my final decision before my own gaze cut me off. I look out across the restaurant and out a far window seeing something unpleasant, my face must have dropped or something because Devon instantly knew something was wrong.

"What is it?" She says placing her elbows on the table. "You look like you've spoiled your own appetite and I'm still craving cheesecake."

"I don't want you to freak out, but I need you to disappear for a few minutes."


"Devon please do it, for me." I pleaded with her, wanting nothing but the best. "I'll double the brownie points, owe you another dessert."

She doesn't question anymore, she moves on and scurries to the bathroom. The suspense of the oncoming events terrified me, so I clenched my fist as I saw the Cave brothers and their bandmate fellow Christian walk through the door speaking to the hostess. This friend date couldn't have been planned any worst.

I don't pray often seeing as I was the least religious of my family but I prayed nothing but peace and patience in this very moment, religion might be the only thing that could save Devon in this very moment. 

I looked down yet I could feel the stares from across the room, one of them had spotted me and I couldn't bear to know which it had been. 

"Hey, Makenna, haven't seen you in a while how've you been?" Christian Anthony asks with his thick Australia accent.

"Oh hey Antho, dude I've been great," I said with a smile, relief must have been apparent on my face because he chuckles himself at my reaction. 

My phone begins to ring and vibrate across the table as we both look down at it in this meer second, I knew it had to have been Devon but I felt like answering might give away her disposition. 

"Shouldn't you get that?"

"Um yeah maybe later," I say as I can feel my body heat radiating off of me, I was the worst liar and it was always visible with my body language. 

"Digging the hair, you've got the whole a hundred and one Dalmatians hair thing going on." He says about my black wig with the big blonde patch of hair that I had bought recently with the intention of using it for a Halloween costume. 

"Yeah what can I say Cruella Deville is my inspiration, killing dogs and shit," I said awkwardly, uncomfortable with my own response. "I hope you know I'm just kidding." I laughed. "Your hair is banging too."

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