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dudeitsdev: cool cats 🐱

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dudeitsdev: cool cats 🐱

Liked by mitchelcave, thechristiananthony, and 304 others | 18 comments | tagged: clintoncave

itshannahbaker: you told me you were going home 🙁

thechristiananthony: omg what

dudeitsdev: i am home @itshannahbaker

makennaleighhhh: that's not your home, you're lost devon.

mount.gomery_: is this why you left?

clay.jenson0713: hope you're having some real fun

mitchelcave: what is going on?

mitchelcave: I'm coming home right now

cheerstojess: I'm really disappointed in you Devon.

itfoley: I think we all are @cheerstojess

alex.standall: I told you to burn that shirt

alex.standall: should have taken my advice while you had the chance

http.stacy: whore

dempzee: you told me you were going to be okay

dempzee: this isn't okay

makennaleighhhh: the worst part is that you didn't tell me

makennaleighhhh: we're supposed to be friends remember? we're supposed tell each other everything

jeff.atkins: 😕

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Jeff ⚾️: I hope you're happier with him

Jeff ⚾️: I'm sorry I couldn't make you it myself

Jeff ⚾️: I just want you to be happy

Jeff ⚾️: goodbye devon

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