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"Young lady," Mr Porter called down the hallway after me and Alex. "Please stop."

"What?" I said running my hand through my waves. "Can I help you?"

"Young lady, you are breaking dress code."

"What?" Me and Alex say in shock.

"How?" I blink looking at him, the hallways now clear because we were already late for lunch.

"You're not wearing any pants Miss Alderman." He point down to my excessively long tee shirt, not being able to see my black workout shorts underneath of it. "I'm going to have to write you up and send you home for the day."

"No, I'm wearing pants." I say lifting my shirt up to reveal the shorts, still not short enough for him to have any required action. "Why would I not wear pants to school?"

"Miss Alderman please put you arms down I don't need to see this." Mr. Porter says looking away still as if I didn't have pants. "I'll let it slide this time but wear more appropriate clothing to school."

He leaves me and Alex questioning what just happened, what was this? Catholic school?

"God Devon, don't you know to wear more appropriate clothing to school? I guess you can't wear that shirt anymore." Alex shrugged jokingly. "You could do better anyways."

"It was my ex-boyfriends shirt." I said tugging defensively on the long black tee shirt Clinton had let me wear home one night, the smell of his cologne still laced in it.

"More the reason to get rid of it." Alex said walking a little faster than me. "Why would you even still have it if you guys broke up?"

I don't respond, thinking of a good reason to keep it. Maybe it was because I was still in love with all of the good memories, and deep down I didn't want to move on. Maybe it was just because I liked the smell itself, a gentle reminder of all the late nights we had spent together. Maybe it was just because it was a really nice shirt that I didn't want to get rid of. I had absolutely no reason to explain why I still had Clinton's shirt.

"I almost got dress coded." I said sitting down at the table of my friends, throwing my head down out of pure exhaustion from soccer.

"Has anyone seen Montgomery?" Justin asked between bites of whatever he was eating. "I need him to help me finish our history project and nobody has seen him all day."

"Have you not checked Instagram all day?" Hannah asked as if he were stupid, my head now lifted because I was interested in where he was.

"No." Justin and I say at the same time, pulling it out phones to look.


makennaleighhhh: look who came and visited me before school started tomorrow 😍

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makennaleighhhh: look who came and visited me before school started tomorrow 😍

Liked by clay.jenson0713, clintoncave, and 597 others | comments have been disabled | tagged: mount.gomery_


"Oh my god, why didn't she tell me?"I say screeching.

"Wait she didn't tell you Monty was going to see her?" Sheri asks shocked. "You guys tell each other everything."

"She's mad at me for never telling her anything about Jeff, but that's none of her business."

"Well maybe anything her and Monty are doing in none of yours." Justin responds, allowing me to shoot him a glare from across the table.

"Speaking of where is Jeff?" Jess asks.

"Library with Clay." Hannah responds for me, and thank god because I had no clue where he was.

Jeff and I had been hanging out for the last two and half weekends to illegally watch movies at his house. Sure he had suggested going to The Crestmont a couple of times but we never actually went, our deal was he would always supply food as long as I always supplied the movie. The movies we've currently covered have ranged from Mean Girls to some really cheesy Rob Schneider baseball movie, we always took turns picking the movies so there was no arguments about what we watched. I won't say that there wasn't a pretty heated makeout session during the middle of In Time, but let's just say that Amanda Seyfried and Justin Timberlake didn't catch our particular interest that movie.

"I'm literally so mad at her right now." I say rolling my eyes, again stating how mad I was to keep the topic off me and Jeff. "And you guys aren't mad Monty didn't tell you?" I ask Justin, Zach, and Alex.

"God no." Alex huffs.

"I don't keep up with Monty." Zach replied.

"If he's getting laid, I don't care." Justin shrugged.

"You guys are awful friends."Hannah says before I could, instead I nod in agreement.

I get up to go find Jeff and quite possibly annoy Clay, inviting Hannah of course would solve that issue itself so I do. We find them sat at a table way in the back, Tony not far from either of them. They seemed to be arguing about something so we kept quite and listened.

"Sentence structure is good. Might need some fact checking." Clay says looking up from homework.

"I googled everything." Jeff says defending himself, he must be proud of this paper.

"Well, the founding fathers did grow and use hemp, but it wasn't weed, exactly."

"Those are different?" Jeff asks totally shocked.

"Please tell me you didn't just ask if weed and hemp were different." Hannah says pulling a seat out at the table.

Jeff was doing that thing where he grabbed the bridge of his nose again, I guess frustrated that the found father's weren't mad stoners like his report suggested.

"Hey it's okay, we can fix your report." I say still not sitting down, wrapping my arms around him. "Surly you didn't write about the hemp throughout the whole essay."

"No it's not that, it's just history is so hard. I'm never going to pass it again this year." He replied, not fully acknowledging who it was behind him.

"Jeff, its fine. I'm going to help you, and if you really need it I'm sure Devon would help you."

"Yeah, I don't care Jeff." I smiled. "I just want to help you pass."


thank you guys for 11k, it makes me the happiest girl in the world.

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