t w e n t y s i x

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🥂 j e s s i c a 🥂

"Okay does anyone really know how to tap a keg around here, you guys say you've got it every single time and you never do." I complain as Zach and Justin carry a keg across my kitchen. "We've gotta pick Devon up in forty-five minutes, guys get it together."

"How did you get Devon to come if you couldn't tell her we were having a party?" Zachary asks setting the keg down.

"Oh I told her and her mom Justin and I were taking her out to dinner and I offered to let her stay the night so she doesn't go home drunk."

"Is her mom not about that?" Justin says eating some of the snacks. "She partied like every night for a week."

"Yeah, I think she used to say she was just going to Kenna's."

"Do Makenna's parents not care?" Zach asks.

"I think she has it kind of rough at home, so she fills it in with parties." I say as my eyes lead to Justin who looks blankly out the back porch door. "Good thing is, I got my parents out of the house for the rest of the weekend."

"Yeah, we should get going." Justin says turning towards the door.

I knew he was still having shit going on at home, I don't know all the details but his mom was back with her deadbeat boyfriend. I wasn't going to say anything more about Makenna and her home life because I for sure didn't know what was really going on, and of course I didn't want to do anything to hurt Justin.

We drove for twenty minutes in silence until we pulled up to her house, we didn't even have to go to the door or call for her because that girl ran faster than anyone I've ever seen in heels. Devon left her house with a red plush jacket, a black crop top, and high waited black skinny jeans matched with her signature thigh length velvet boots I didn't think she seriously wore. Her blue and black and hair was curly messy, it seemed brighter on Instagram.

"I thougt you hair was brighter and bluer than that." Justin says to her as she pulls herself into the back seat.

"It is because I have two blue and black wigs, they were on sale that weekend so I got two."

"What are you wearing?" I ask laughing at her being overdressed for dinner, not perhaps a party.

"It's Alexander Wang." She says rubbing her jacket. "Pass me the aux."

She plugs her phone in and I expect some like hardcore rap but a really slow songs starts playing, before she changes it to Water by Ugly God.

"Dude I love this song." Justin says looking back at her.

"What was that first song?" I ask curious as to what it was, I'm a sucker for slow songs.

"It's just an old song by a nobody band back in the hills." She shrugged, her jacket swishing with her.


"Doesn't matter."

"Okay whatever." I rolled my eyes, I don't have any idea why she was being weird about it. "Why does he talk about being a dyke so much in this song? You guys like this?"

"Do you want me to change it?" She laughed looking down at her phone.


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