f o u r t y s e v e n

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"It's been a month." I said taking another sip of my coffee. "It's funny how she lives not even fifteen minutes away from me yet I haven't spoken a single word to her in a month."

"That's so sad." Jess sighed sipping on her hot chocolate down.

"We used to tell each other everything, we were close enough to be sisters." I frowned, gripping Monty's hand tighter. "She's practically dead to me now."

I took another drink as everyone looked down at their own, I had never been to Monet's before but it was very cozy. I did however noticed a certain blue hair barista staring me down as I glared at her cleaning the cups out.

"Her names Madison, don't pay attention to her." Sheri says as I finally look away. "She's this foster kid that Devon was in love with, she was obsessed with becoming her friend."

"We were all once." Hannah sighed. "Weren't we? Obsessed with becoming Devon's friend?"

Nobody said anything, we all sat at the table in silence.

"I thought hot chocolate was he cure for all things shitty in life." Jess frowned down at her drink. "I still feel pretty shitty."

"She didn't even come home for Christmas." Clay points out. "Her mom is pregnant and she didn't even come home."

"Too busy fucking us over." Monty says, his grip becoming tighter clearly out of rage.

"Her mom let her move out at sixteen, what do you expect?" Zach said with he head in his palm. "Her to come back whenever she wanted? She may as well be gone forever."

"Her mom doesn't seem to care at all does she?" Justin observes.

"That's the thing about Aunt Kristen." Jess began, and I knew where this was going. "She was a foster kid too growing up until she moved in with dad and our grandparents adopted her, she thinks you have to learn lessons on your own because of how she was raised."

"Devon's mom was a foster kid?" Sheri asks. "That explains the Madison sympathy."

"Yeah but it still doesn't explain why she's letting Devon do that to herself." Hannah finally joins back in. "I heard the things Clinton did to her, they got in an argument and had his brother not stepped in Devon would have been a lot more hurt than she was."

"She's not wrong." I sigh. "He got her pretty badly that night."

"Then why did she run back to him so easily?" Zach asks.

"Why did she keep his shit? She still had his shirt and wore it to school." Alex points out.

"Not deleting his songs off her phone?" Justin asked, which I had no idea about their songs still being in her phone. "It came on in the car one night and she changed it so fast, it was clearly the song you said he wrote her, right?"

"I don't know guys, like I said she's dead to me now." I shook my head. "And I don't care what she does or who-"

We all froze as the little bell on the door jingled as Jeff had walked in to join us for our little meeting.

"Hey Jeff." Clay said in his friendliness voice. "How was the semester exam."

"I bombed it Clay." He sighed in defeat. "There's no way I'm going to get to play baseball in the spring if I can't keep my English grade up."

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