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 makennaleighhhh: really feeling the Cruella hair again

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makennaleighhhh: really feeling the Cruella hair again

Liked by clintoncave, dudeitsdev, and 592 others | 10 comments | none tagged

dudeitsdev: lame ass

mount.gomery_: cute ass

dudeitsdev: head ass @mount.gomery_

http.stacy: photo credsss 💁🏼

sheribabeee: makenna you're so cute

sheribabeee: I miss you 😭

makennaleighhhh: I miss you too Sheri 😭

cheerstojess: please come back soon

mount.gomery_: please 😭

makennaleighhhh: thanksgiving isn't far, I'll be there I promise 💖 @cheerstojess @mount.gomery_


brycemoney23 added dudeitsdev and 11 others to a group chat

brycemoney23: Hey I'm having my annual week trip to Sierra mountain, you guys are invited if you want to go

dudeitsdev: why would i want to spend a week with you and a bunch of idiots?

alex.standall: it's actually really fun Devon, you are the party type after all

dempzee: you should come with us

jeff.atkins: Devon I'm going again this year, come with me

itfoley: wouldn't want your boyfriend going without you would you? 🙄

jeff.atkins: Lay off, we aren't dating

cheerstojess: sure seems like it 🙄🤔

dudeitsdev: when is this trip or whatever?

brycemoney23: the week of thanksgiving break

dudeitsdev: that's the week Makenna is coming in, can't go 🤷🏻‍♀️

mount.gomery_: shit, I forgot she was coming in

brycemoney23: being her with you, she knows how to party

itshannahbaker: if Devon and Makenna go, I'll think about it

jeff.atkins: Bring clay

brycemoney23: yeah bring whoever you want just don't make it lame

prezmarcuscole: Don't bring clay then

sheribabeee: if we're making it not lame maybe you shouldn't go then Marcus 🤔


Devon 🌸: where is sierra mountain?

Makenna 💮: how the hell should I know?

Devon 🌸: little change of plans, we're spending thanksgiving in sierra valley

Makenna 💮: what?

Makenna 💮: why?

Devon 🌸: bryce invited us to some kind of thing, he said invite whoever you wanted

Makenna 💮: does this mean I can bring a friend?

Devon 🌸: what friends?

Devon 🌸: apparently they have to be cool, the reason you can come is because you "know how to party"

Makenna 💮: not wrong

Makenna 💮: in that case I'm bringing someone

Devon 🌸: who?

Makenna 💮: my party buddy, Mitchel, duh

Devon 🌸: do what you want

Devon 🌸: make sure he doesn't bring Clinton or Stacy, Jeff is coming with me

Makenna 💮: he probably won't even come, not that he's American and celebrated Thanksgiving anyways

Devon 🌸: good point

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