t h i r t y o n e

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💮 m a k e n n a 💮

I threw my bag down on the coffee table of Clinton and Mitchel's condo, prancing around waiting for them to get ready for the last big party of the summer. I once again bounce before laying down on the couch kicking my legs over the arms, my height being 4'11 barely allowed my to take up half the space on the chair as I sunk between two of the cushions.

"Makenna you're early." Mitchel says super groggy, almost like he hadn't left bed all day. "Like really early."

"Eh, I needed something to do." I shrugged from my spot in the cushions. "And food, we used to always get food before parties."

"We can get food if you really want." Mitchel laughed, sitting on a separate couch.

"It was a just a Dev thing." I frowned.

"You miss her don't you? It hasn't even been a whole month yet Ken."

"I'll never get over it Mitchel." I sighed. "She was the only one there for me when it got hard, nobody can love me like Devon did. Like I know it's really cheesy and stuff but I really think she was my soulmate, because soulmates don't have to be like lovers or anything it can be your best friend. They're just someone who really understands you and will always be there for you."

"That's super deep."

"I know, I'm sorry." I said wiping the corners of my eyes as there was a knock on the door.

"I bet it's just Christian." Mitchel says getting up to answer the door, revealing a tall girl with faded pink and ashy blonde hair.

Stacy let herself through Mitchel, not even asking where Clinton was or bothering to say hello to either of us. I swear she didn't even bat an eye as she came in, she might have been high or her eyelash glue wasn't dry yet it was hard to tell with her fake ass eyelashes. I still wasn't over how badly she hurt Devon despite the time that was given.

"Clinton isn't home yet Stacy." Mitchel rolled his eyes, not being her biggest fan himself because of his love for Devon herself.

"Okay cool." She smiled sitting down where Mitchel was before. "Hey Makenna."

"Hi Stacy." I say pulling out my phone to check the group chat.


Devon 🌸: GUYSSSS

Sheri 🎀: Yes?

Jess 🥂: What?

Devon 🌸: i think i'm going to play soccer again

Hannah 🍿: WHAT NO WAY



Jess 🥂: still don't understand why you quit in the first place

Makenna 💮: long story

Devon 🌸: really long story

Sheri 🎀: do you want to talk about it Dev?

Hannah 🍿: always here to listen

Devon 🌸: i just didn't have my priorities straight

Makenna 💮: and I wasn't really thinking about her happiness because I let her have shitty priorities

Devon 🌸: stop blaming yourself ken

Devon 🌸: it was never you

Sheri 🎀: I still don't quite understand

Hannah 🍿: sounds depressing tbh

Devon 🌸: i'll tell you guys the story one day i promise

Jess 🥂: We love you Devon

Sheri 🎀: Couldn't have said it better myself

Hannah 🍿: Jess speaks the truth

Makenna 💮: You'll always be my person Dev


As Hannah rambled on about some sort of movie theater thing in the messages I put my phone down only to make direct eye contact with Stacy. I squint at her almost as if I sent her a verbal threat myself, she turned her head quickly to the door as she placed her head in her hands.

"So I think I'm going to fly Monty out for the weekend." I said to Mitchel, once again checking the time. "Do you think it's an awful idea?"

"You really like him don't you?" Mitchel smiled. "I don't think it's an awful idea."

"I really do." I said with a goofy smile myself.

"Who's Monty?" Stacy asked, clearly wanting to stick herself in everyone's business.

"He goes to school with Devon." As soon as she hears Devon's name she scoffs. "Do you have a problem with her or something?"

"She's Clinton's ex-girlfriend, of course I have a problem with her." She crosses her arms. "She's not even that pretty, she's nothing special."

"So?" I cross my arms in return. "He dated her didn't he? Maybe you're the downgrade, not the upgrade. The replacement."

"Clearly not, that's why he left her for me." She says visibly shaken, running out of comebacks.

"You don't know a lot do you?" I smirked at her ignorance, standing up. "See that hole in the wall? Do you know what that's from?"

"Makenna, lets not." Mitchel tried to stop me.

"Clinton came home drunk and threw Devon through that hole. He was he love of her life Stacy and he threw it all away for you, she lost almost everything good she had left in her life because of you. What if he did that to you next? You're just the next hole in the wall Stacy."

"Makenna stop." Mitchel says throwing himself between mine and Stacy's tension.

"He told me." She sighed in defeat. "He told me everything Makenna, he's not over her you know."

"What?" I asked surprised he told her all of this.

"He just knows she's happier now that he's gone, so he wants to be happier too." She said standing up to leave for upstairs. "I'm just, I'm just going to the bathroom."

As she walked up the stairs to the second floor I crossed my arms, my respect for her grew a little bit more because she knew herself everything she said was out of jealousy for what Clinton and Devon had.

"She not as a bad as you think she in Makenna, give her a chance."

"Mitchel, do you know what Devon would do if she found out me and Stacy were friends?"

"I think Devon's moved on, so should you."

"What do you mean?" I ask obliviously.

"She's going on dates with that one kid, clearly she's happy isn't she?"

"She won't talk to me about Jeff." I sighed. "Because I won't talk to her about Monty."

"Maybe you should, Makenna give Stacy a chance." Mitchel pleads once again. "This party, be friendly with her and if you still hate her by the end of the night I'll never complain or stop you from whatever just happened again."

"I'll try."


Super short but to the point, Stacy and Clinton drama is gonna get serious pretty soon 😊

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