t h i r t y f i v e

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"Okay, so you definitely got marshmallows?" I ask defensively as Hannah and I prepared for girls night at my house.

"Yes, I went ahead and got the strawberry ones that looked like hearts, chocolate, and the plain white minis."

"I just wanted to mix them in with popcorn."

"What?" She asks shocked. "Why would you do that?"

"Like salty and sweet." I say confused as to why she had never heard of this combination, my mind is suddenly distracted by the sound of the doorbell. "Oh my god they're here."

Sheri, Jessica, and Courtney all stood in my doorway holding their own gifts of food; Sheri had brought a container of cookie dough, Courtney had a bag of chips and a jar of salsa, and Jess had three different types of ice cream in the bag on her arm. I usher them down the stairs into the basement putting everything into the fridge in the lounge and bringing them into theater room.

"Oh my god Devon, this is amazing." Courtney says in complete shock.

"This is really nice Devon." Sheri nods checking out the bean bags I had under the projector screen.

"Do you guys have a movie in mind?" I said checking my laptop that was connected. "I was thinking something scary."

"We could watch the Saw movies." Courtney suggests.

"Ew what is this Court? 2012?" Jessica teased her.

"Everyone suggest a movie and give a short description, then we'll vote." Hannah says pointing to Jessica. "Go."

"It Follows is scary, it's about this girl that's gets a curse from having sex and she's going to die from it unless she can have sex with someone else to give it to them."

"Wrong Turn is about like West Virginia like born and raised inbreads that are like straight canibals and that freaks me out." I said raising my hands.

"The Descent is so scary, they go on a cave expedition and it's basically hell." Courtney pitches her movie.

"Get Out looked scary, Rotten Tomatoes seemed to agree, not sure what it's about." Sheri shrugged looking at her phone.

"I think we should watch The Strangers." Hannah crosses her arms, clearly confident that we'll be scared.

"I vote whatever Hannah said, look at her confidence." I point out, everyone agrees, I hope this is so good one of us cries.

The movie had started and we turned the light out and the popcorn had been done long before anyone had gotten here besides Hannah, the rain could be heard even from the basement giving it an even more creepy vibe. The movie was literally one of the scariest things I had ever seen, I jumped out of my bean bag every time one of the masked robbers showed up.

That's when the thunder began.

Jessica screamed and I swear we all jumped from it beanbags.

"Jess, it was just some thunder calm down." Hannah said, unphased by the movie itself.

"Hannah how are you not scared?" Sheri asks shaking a little.

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