f o u r t y e i g h t

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"I don't know where else to look." Mitchel sighed throwing himself on to Morgan's old couch that she had stored in the opened car garage. "We've checked everywhere."

"Did you check her old house?" Hannah asks.

"That was the first place we looked." Christian sighed. "It's where she ran off to the night she got here."

"Is there nowhere else you guys can think of her going?" Clay asks as he sighs in defeat.

"Her safe place was always her house or their's" Morgan gestured to the boys. "Occasionally mine, after the break up that is."

"The more important part is has anyone talked to Clinton?" I ask realizing nobody had heard from him in days either. "Who's to say he didn't just go back to the house and she's with him?"

"He's not at the condo." Mitchel said in a low tone. "Mom said he came over to her apartment last night asking if he could stay for awhile because he and Devon were going through some stuff."

"And you didn't think to tell us?"

"I didn't think it was important."

"It was pretty fucking important."

"Apparently not if it doesn't help us find Devon."

"Well at least I'm-"

"That's enough both of you." Jeff says stepping in between the both of us. "Arguing isn't going to get us anywhere."

"Fine." We both mumble under our breathe, not making eye contact with one another.

"Makenna, you know Devon better than anyone." Jeff begins pacing. "Is there anywhere you can think of that she may have went to?"

"I really don't know." I sighed. "We've looked everywhere obvious, it's just so hard to imagine where she would have run off to."

"Well think harder, princess." Mitchel huffs in a rude, sarcastic tone, when it hits me.

"Princess," I began to remember many of my drunken repressed memories. "Princess! Mitchel you're a genius!"

"What?" Nearly everyone chimes in questioning my sanity.

"Morgan? Will you drive me?" I ask sweetly. "I need to go alone, but I don't have a ride."

"Of course." My sister smiled taking my hand and pulling me out to the drive way where he car was.

"Stay here." I instructed sternly. "Call me if you find anything, anything at all."

I hoped into the passenger seat of my sisters car she bought with her graduation and saved money nearly three years ago, the car now going down in value but was just enough to get her by. She had thought about taking our mother's Range Rover when she moved out and exchanging it with this one she had bought on her own, but with multiple threats from our drunk of a father she was very reluctant on following through with the plan. I drove the Range around often without permission, but tonight was not a night that needed me stealing our parents car from under them.

Morgan drove me out to the desert where tons of parties had been held, and Devon had here been drunk many times before. The desert was always a safe spot for Devon, and one she refused to let her break up with Clinton take over our place. Devon loved it out here and it was almost insane how she felt about it, the hot weather never phased her or made her want to leave.

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