e i g h t e e n

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jeff.atkins added dudeitsdev to a message

jeff.atkins: I feel bad for offering you to tutor me and not like letting you have an option

dudeitsdev: jeff you don't have to apologize 😂

dudeitsdev: trust me if i didn't want to i would let you know

jeff.atkins: Oh

jeff.atkins: I just felt bad because I thought i was being pushy

dudeitsdev: jeff no

dudeitsdev: trust me you seem like the least pushy person in crestmont

jeff.atkins: What do you mean?

dudeitsdev: you always stand up for me, clay, alex, and zach are sassy and i don't do sassy, bryce seems like a total dick, and that marcus kid seemed to back off but i didn't like that at all

dudeitsdev: i don't know how i feel about tony and ryan, i haven't had a whole lot of conversation with them

dudeitsdev: and justin foley has been nothing but sweet to me, and maybe thats because of Jessica

dudeitsdev: and montgomery and makenna might be a thing so i have to support her

jeff.atkins: They're all good guys, bryce and marcus have the ability to be good guys they just choose not to be

dudeitsdev: why does bryce act like that? it's not attractive

jeff.atkins: He's just cocky, its because his parents have money and he gets away with a lot of stuff

dudeitsdev: i already know i'm going to have problems with him

dudeitsdev: what is he in? junior? senior?

jeff.atkins: He's a senior next year

dudeitsdev: maybe i won't even see him

dudeitsdev: and you?

jeff.atkins: And me what?

dudeitsdev: what grade are you in? 🙄😂

jeff.atkins: Oh, I'll be a senior

dudeitsdev: no way 😭😭

dudeitsdev: i'm only a sophomore

jeff.atkins: No way, you look older than a sophomore

dudeitsdev: swear to god

dudeitsdev: i guess all of my friends can be older than me, makenna's a year older than me too

jeff.atkins: You'll make friends your age

dudeitsdev: not likely, i've never had a good friend my own age

dudeitsdev: i'll stick with you and the juniors

jeff.atkins: Don't even worry, kids at our school aren't even that great

dudeitsdev: are any kids great anymore

jeff.atkins: You've got a good point

jeff.atkins: I have baseball practice like right now, text you later?

dudeitsdev: maybe, i'm dog sitting and that's some serious business

jeff.atkins: oh definitely

jeff.atkins: Bye Devon

seen by dudeitsdev

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