s i x t e e n

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jeff.atkins added dudeitsdev to a message

jeff.atkins: Don't think i'm weird for asking, but what are Makenna and Montgomery

dudeitsdev: i have not the slightest idea

dudeitsdev: she won't talk to me about him and i don't even know the kid

dudeitsdev: i think they're definitely a thing tho

jeff.atkins: Wait so you don't know?

dudeitsdev: nope, pretty livid about it

jeff.atkins: Livid?

dudeitsdev: livid, yes

jeff.atkins: I'm lost

dudeitsdev: wait do you not know what i mean by livid

dudeitsdev: like angry

jeff.atkins: Kind of embarrassed by that

jeff.atkins: I'm not great with words

dudeitsdev: i have the worst vocabulary when it comes to texting, i don't blame you

dudeitsdev: i say a lot of stupid stuff that doesn't make sense too

dudeitsdev: maybe it's a beverly hills thing

jeff.atkins: Doubt that, I'm just so bad with like understanding stuff like that

dudeitsdev: wait so do you do well in school?

dudeitsdev: sorry that's weird and not my place to ask, don't answer

jeff.atkins: No it's fine, I'm not a FANTASTIC student

jeff.atkins: Clay tutored me last year to keep my grades up

dudeitsdev: maybe i can help you or something next year

dudeitsdev: i'm pretty bangin' at english

dudeitsdev: scratch that because i'm pretty sure that wasn't even proper english

jeff.atkins: Too late, maybe i'll take you up on that offer then to give Clay a break

dudeitsdev: we'll see, atkins

jeff.atkins: Maybe we will, but I can't seem threatening because I don't know your last name

dudeitsdev: Alderman

jeff.atkins: Alright Alderman 😂

seen by dudeitsdev

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