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Aomine and Kagami were standing in front of a temple somewhere south of the foothills where Aomine's cave was.  Kagami looked at the blue eyed male, "Why are we here again?"

"The third step is for me to repent, the way humans do," Aomine shrugged, walking towards the entrance.

Kagami furrowed his brow, looking at the structure.  It seemed ornate in architecture but at the same time it didn't seem that much different from any other building in the human world.  Kagami walked up to Aomine's side, "What makes this building special?"

Aomine shrugged, looking back at Kagami, "I don't know, the humans seem to think it has some special element or is sacred, something like that."  He turned to go inside, "But it's not like we angels have ever seen these as anything other than buildings."

"But you've become human..." Kagami followed Aomine inside, staring at him.

"So?"  Aomine let out a short, annoyed breath, "Doesn't mean I inherently understand or agree with everything they do."  Kagami kept looking at him, Aomine could feel his red eyes boring into him.  Aomine looked back at Kagami, "Being human isn't about following one path the way angels do.  We can make choices.  And you can too, it's just that most angels choose to follow the path and their orders and not deviate."

Kagami looked down at the stone floor beneath their feet.  "I've been an angel like that, I always thought it was the right thing to do..."

"You're questioning that now, aren't you?"  Aomine stopped, looking back at Kagami.

Kagami slowly nodded, looking down, unable to meet Aomine's gaze.  "I'm just starting to think if the angels want to hurt you... how can that be the right thing to do?"

Aomine laughed quietly, trying to not get too many looks from the other people in the temple.  "That's just it.  There is no one right thing to do, they're just following orders.  Always think about the source of your order before you follow it blindly."

Kagami looked back at Aomine, brow creased, "I'm not sure I know how..."

Aomine shook his head, smirking, "Just don't overthink it.  Like the emotions, you'll be doing it without even realizing it."

Aomine motioned for Kagami to come forward and they both went up to a spot in the middle of the floor where they were supposed to pray.  Aomine sat down on his knees and closed his eyes.  Kagami automatically did the same thing, but after sitting there for a moment with nothing happening, he whispered, "What are we doing here?"

"Praying," Aomine's response was quick, he didn't even open his eyes.

"Praying?"  Kagami narrowed his eyes, "To whom?"

Aomine shrugged, "I honestly don't know, I just know that humans do this."  Aomine opened one eye, looking at Kagami, "We're supposed to be asking for forgiveness for our mistakes."

Kagami leaned closer to Aomine, wonder what exactly Aomine had to ask forgiveness for, "What are your mistakes?"

Aomine turned to face Kagami, opening both eyes and looking at him for a moment, "Perhaps I should repent to you..."

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