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The light subsided, Kagami could see a figure standing at the mouth of the cave. But now all the light was behind the figure and all he could see was the silhouette of a person. He narrowed his eyes a little, he recognized the shape of that person. He swallowed, forcing out words between shallow breaths, "A-Aomine..."

The person kneeled down, and Kagami could see clearly again. Aomine was smiling back at him. Except he was different, he had this bright aura about him. Kagami could feel tears finding their way onto his cheeks, "I was so worried they'd find you..."

"Shh," Aomine smiled. He brought his hand up to press his palm over Kagami's chest where Akashi's fingers had been not too long before. Kagami could feel a heat spreading through him, it warmed up every part of him and it took away all the pain he'd been feeling.

When Aomine took his hand away, Kagami could breathe again without any pain. He could move again, all his broken bones completely healed. "Aomine..." he reached up to wrap his arms tightly around Aomine's shoulders.

Aomine held him back, wrapping his arms tightly around the redhead. His voice was unusually quiet, "I'm sorry you had to go through that."

Kagami shook his head, "I'm just so glad that they couldn't get to you. And now... you're an angel again." Aomine's arms stiffened around Kagami, causing Kagami to pull back to look at him. He furrowed his brow, looking at Aomine, "You are an angel..."

He let out a sigh, nodding, "I am." He pulled his arms back from Kagami, dropping to take hold of Kagami's hands. "I couldn't have done it without you."

"I'm just glad I could help," Kagami smiled, holding Aomine's hands back tightly.

Aomine shook his head, "I lied. Those five steps... I made all of them up."

Kagami furrowed his brow, his mind wasn't catching up fast enough with the words he was hearing. "W-what?"

"There are no five steps to becoming an angel again," Aomine sat back, pulling his hands away, "There's just one way."

"What was it? How did you become an angel?" Kagami sat up straighter, he couldn't help this sinking feeling in his gut.

Aomine reached out, brushing his fingers against Kagami's cheek, "To make an angel fall for you."

[A/N: what did you think of the feels in this? and there's some more feels coming up too! I thought of something that I want to add, but now i'm worried that it's too late to add it... well if I don't get it now, I plan to go back and revise this anyways and I'll add it then!]

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