55 Who He Really Is

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"I'm getting the hang of this woohoo!" 

Dave gave me tips and tricks on getting control over a horse. It was relatively easy, probably because of Amber or maybe I was getting better. Who knows, but all I know is that I am definitely improving.

"Good work!" Dave complimented me making Jet turn to face me.

"This field is amazing!" I raise both my arms and let Amber take the wheel for a while.

"B-Be careful! You can fall!" Dave worriedly says.

"I'm fine!" I grab the reigns right away. "See?" I grinned.

"Jeez, your going to give your old man a heart attack." He puts his hands on his chest and sighs.

"Hahaha!" I then thought. "Your?" 

"Ah! Sorry sorry! I mixed you as my son!" He panics and apologizes.

"Ahahah! It's fine! Can you tell me a bit about your son?" I let my horse gallop beside Jet in a steady pace.

"Well, I haven't really seen him in, like what? Ten plus years?" He sighs.

"S-Sorry! I didn't mean-"

"No, No it's fine." He petted Jet. "It's just been such a long time."

"C-Can you tell me about your wife then?" 

"Well, thing is she's long gone." 

"Oh gosh...I'm so sorry..." I will now proceed to slowly regret letting my mouth talk.

"As I said before it's really fine. She died at a very ripe age, an illness attacked her so she passed away." He ran his hands through Jet's fur.

"If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your son?" 

"She-I mean he, is somewhere in this world living a happy life. When my wife died I got super depressed. I left my son at an orphanage when he was still very young. I-I regret that day. Giving him away to somebody else's care. I failed as his parent." He sighs and gets off Jet to settle down on a tree.

He helped me get off and took Amber's and Jet's reigns for me. He let them go and the two horses wandered about.

"Won't they run away from us?" I ask.

"They're trained to stay near their rider, don't worry." He sat down beside me. " Continuing my story, so I left my son alone. I don't even know how to face him if I ever saw him." He eyed his ring, which was on his ring finger. "I gave this to my wife, now she's buried with it." 

"I'm sure she's proud of you." I look at my knees.

"How so? I left my child and I don't even know where he is how can she be proud of me?" He asks in a rather angry, sad tone

"The fact that you're thinking about him already makes you a great father. And you even kept the ring." I say. "If you didn't matter anymore you would probably have thrown the ring and never talk about them again, yet you didn't. If they are still lingering in your mind then it must mean you regret your decision with your whole being." 

He gives me a sad smile and pats my head.

"What am I doing? Letting out my stress on a kid like you." He chuckles.

"I'm not a kid." I pout. 

"You sure act like one." He laughs which I only roll my eyes at. "Can you tell me about your parents?"

"I don't remember my mom, but I've been to her grave. They say she was beautiful and has a beautiful voice. My dad...I don't know where he is, whether he's alive or not, who knows. He maybe at the very end of the world for all I know. My grandma, the one who just passed away, she adopted me from an adoption center, she basically taught me music and how to play the piano along with my sister."

"Sister? A sibling?"

"Nah. She came from my grandma's kid. Continuing, my time in the adoption center was great I met a big brother there and I had lots of memories. But really the time I spent with my sister and grandmother was the best among all of my childhood memories." I felt a tear escape my eye. "Sorry..." I wipe my tears with my shirt.

"No, I'm sorry for making you share that with me. Your life is really...interesting to say the least." He chuckles. "Let's head back." He offers me a hand and I take it.

Once we rode the horses we went back to his farm. By the time we reached the farm the sun was about to set.

"Today was really fun Dave." I hand him some money. "I don't know if this is enough as thanks." 

"Oh, no no! Leave this to me." He pushed my money back.

"Are you sure??" 

"Sure as sure." He chuckles. "As a payment, come by next time and try to ride Jet." 

"Sure will!" I grinned. "See you!" Then I headed back out and rode in my car. 

Finally, now I'll be able to face you.

I went out for a quick dinner inside a quiet restaurant. I ordered a pasta which came in about five minutes. I practically forced my chauffeur to eat too since he was waiting for me. We finished our meal and went back to the car.

"Can you drop me by Sakura Cemetery?" 

"Of course."

He did this driving precisely, missing on any possible traffic. 

"We're here." He announced so I got off.

"Thanks, I'll be quick." He then scrolled up the window.

I walk past a couple of graves before heading off to my mom's.

"Hey mom, how are you?" I murmur quietly. "I haven't visited you much, I'm sorry. Grandma just passed away and I-" My tears fall to her grave stone in now which I noticed something. A ring. 

I picked it up and put it in my pocket.

"It can't be right?" I chuckled sadly to myself. "Mom, did dad leave this here?" The wind only answered my question. "There is no doubt, this is his." I gripped my shirt. "He came by to say hi didn't he?" I continue to let my tears fall. "I'll be back mom, I need to confirm things out. After that, I promise I'll come back." 

I wiped my tears with my sleeve. 

"I'll come back, with him by my side. So we can have a family reunion together." I bid my mom farewell before heading back to the car. 

At this point, darkness covered the sky.


Have you guessed who Dave is now? ;) ;) I think I made it pretty obvious. Hehehe <3

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