Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

I glance anxiously out the window once again, checking to see if Declan has arrived. I have been sitting on my window seat for the past hour gazing out, waiting for the appearance of a red pick-up truck. He told me that he would pick me up around seven, but it is only a quarter of. I’m too nervous to sit and I begin to pace.

I spent most of the day trying to find something to wear. I don’t know where we are going, so I wasn’t sure if I should wear something more fancy or just something simple. I settled on a light blue sundress. I never really thought I would be one of those girls that spends hours getting ready before going on a date, but I had to do something to occupy myself or I would go insane. I left my hair down, but tucked a flower that matches my dress behind my ear. I put on some make-up, but kept it simple. Then I spent the rest of the day trying to find things to distract myself.

When I glance out the window again, I see Declan pull into the driveway. I hop down the steps and into the living room. My mom looks up when I walk in and raises her eyebrows at me.

“Going somewhere?” she asks icily. I nod and start to walk to the door when Declan rings the doorbell.

“Don’t stay out to late!” she calls after me. I open the door and step out onto the porch, closing the door behind me.

“You look beautiful,” Declan says, looking me over. I blush and look away. He looks pretty cute himself, with his sandy brown hair hanging just above his green eyes. Declan grabs my hand and pulls me over to his truck. He opens the passenger side door for me and I duck my head to the side, trying to hide my smile as I climb in. He gets in on the other side and starts the car.

“So, I bet your wondering where we are going,” he says grinning. I nod, practically bouncing in my seat, which makes him laugh. “Sorry, but you’re going to have to wait a little longer. It’s a surprise.”

I glare at him and he reaches over and interlocks his fingers with my own. We have been driving for about fifteen minutes when he pulls over onto the side of the road. I glance at him confused, but he gets out and I do the same.

“We are going to have to walk from here,” he says and leads me to a little path that leads into the forest. I’m unsure where he is taking me and I am starting to get nervous, when he pulls me into a little meadow. There are tons of beautiful flowers, all different types and colors. On a patch of grass a little blanket is set up with a basket, which I assume is full of food. I feel a grin stretch across my face in delight. Declan is taking me on a picnic. I notice at him looking at me waiting for a reaction and he looks pleased when he sees my face.

“ I remembered on the night of the party I saw you sitting in the middle of the garden, surrounded by flowers. You looked so happy, so when I accidentally stumbled on this place, I thought you might like it,” he explains to me. This time I grab his hand and lead him over to the blanket he has set up. He tells me to sit down and then begins to dig around in the basket looking for something. He pulls out a whiteboard with a marker and hands it to me.

“I thought you could use that to write what you want to say,” he says and is surprised when I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him on the lips. He kisses me back for a second and then pulls back. “ So, I guess you like that idea?”

I laugh and let go of his neck. He really thought of everything. He is so completely perfect and I have no idea why he chose to go out with me. I decide not to question it and just enjoy it.

                                      *                         *                         *

“It’s getting late. Guess I should get you home,” Declan says looking at me questioningly. I nod, but when he starts to stand up I pull him back down next to me. The time has passed so quickly and I’m not quite ready to leave yet. Declan understands and wraps his arms around me and pulls me close. I pull away though, and he looks at me confused. I hold up my finger and then begin to write on the whiteboard.

I need to ask you something, I hold up the board for him to read it.

“What’s up?” he asks looking just a little bit nervous. I wasn’t sure if I should ask him tonight, but I need answers to who the man in the picture is and Declan can help me get them.

Would you be willing to drive me somewhere? Not tonight, but sometime, I write and wait while he reads it.

“Sure. Where do you need to go?” he asks. I pull the picture of the man out of my pocket. I put it in there earlier in case I decided to ask Declan. I hand it to him and he studies it, looking confused.

My Dad hired a PI to track this guy and I need to know why. I’m almost certain the PI is a friend of my dads and I would like to talk to him without my father knowing. I hold my message out to him once again.

“You think your dad’s up to something?” He raises his eyebrows at me and I give him a small smile.

No, I think it might have something to do with something that happened awhile ago. It’s just really bothering me. I underline, really, a few times to get my point across.

“I’m guessing your not going to tell me what happened,” he says, giving me a wry smile. I bite my lip and look at the ground. I really don’t want to explain what happened with Caleb because it is just going to bring up a bunch of bad memories. I feel bad not telling him, though, because he deserves to know if he is going to help me. “It’s okay, you don’t have to. I’ll take you to the guy’s house.”

I look at him surprised. He is willing to help, even though I won’t tell him why? I look at his sweet smile and promise myself that I will find a way to repay him. I throw my arms around his neck again and kiss me, but this time he looses his balance and falls backward, me landing on top of him.

"I’ll take that as a thank you,” he laughs and I join in. I manage to get to my feet and pull him up after me. We pack up the blanket and the leftover food and stash it in the truck. He drives me home and once again walks me up to my porch.

“So, when do you want to go to that guy’s house?” he asks me.

As soon as possible, I write.

“I was hoping you would say that.” He leans down and kisses me sweetly, one last time. I wave my goodbye and go inside. As soon as the door clicks shut behind me, I feel a huge grin slip onto my face. I have been so miserable and lonely since Caleb died. I can’t remember the last time I smiled before Declan. I have only known him a few days, but already he is starting to change everything.

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