Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

“You’re going out again?” my mom asks as come down the stairs. I nod my head and glance toward the door, anxious to see Declan. “You’ve been spending a lot of time with this boy. I think it is about time that we meet him.”

I try to stifle a groan, but she must read how horrified I am by the idea on my face because she gives me a haughty look.

“Either he comes to dinner, soon, or you aren’t allowed to see him anymore,” she says with an air of finality. Great, now Declan is going to have to endure a whole meal with my screwed up family. If that doesn’t scare him away, I don’t know what will.

When Declan arrives, I hop into his truck and kiss his cheek. I am extremely nervous to meet his band mates, but I can’t wait to hear them perform. Besides, if they are anything like Declan than everything should be fine. We arrive at the music lounge shortly and Declan has to go and help set up. I sit at a table and wait for them to start. The music lounge is almost like a club, but more relaxed. They book a new band every weekend and people come to listen to the new artists. There is a huge crowd of people and I can’t help, but feel excited for Declan.

I watch as the band sets up, taking in Declan’s band mates. There is the drummer that has blonde hair that hangs in his eyes and the keyboardist who looks to be the youngest of them all. Then there is Declan, who stands at the front of the stage, holding his guitar. They begin to play a song and I can feel my eyes widen in surprise. They are good, like really good. Declan’s soft voice sings into the microphone and I am completely amazed. His eyes meet mine as he sings and he winks. I feel myself blush and a few girls shoot me envious looks. When they finish their first song they slide smoothly into a second and I sit there completely entranced. I lose track of time as I listen to my boyfriend sing and before I know it they are down to their last song.

“This one is for my girlfriend, Arianna,” Declan says into the microphone, never taking his eyes off of me. I can’t believe that he wrote me a song! I feel my breath catch as the sweet melody reaches my ears. His words are beautiful and I feel my eyes begin to tear up in happiness. When my song comes to an end I stand and clap along with everyone else. I wait until Declan comes off of the stage and then I race into his arms.

“So, what did you think?” he asks, a smile playing on his lips. I reach up and kiss him hard, pulling him closer to me. I feel a tear slid down my face and he pulls away when he realizes I am crying.

“Happy tears, I hope,” he says, looking unsure about what to do. I laugh and kiss him again.

“So, this is your girlfriend. She’s a lot more beautiful than you said,” the drummer says coming up beside us. I pull back from Declan, embarrassed, but he keeps one arm wrapped around me.

“Arianna, this is Drew. And that is Leo,” Declan says as his other band mate comes over. I smile my greeting to both of them.

“It’s nice to finally meet you. I mean you’re all that Declan talks about,” Leo says and out of the corner of my eye I notice Declan blush. They talk for awhile and whenever there is something I want to say, Declan translates for me. It is amazing how well he knows me, even though I have never spoken a word to him.

I go off to find a bathroom and when I come back, Declan is talking to a girl with sleek auburn hair who is giving him this look that makes my stomach clench. I slide up beside Declan and slip my hand in his. He leans over to kiss my cheek and I the girl gives me a dirty look before making up some excuse to leave. I punch Declan lightly on the arm.

“Are you jealous?” he asks laughing and I give him my best glare. “Don’t worry, Ari, she’s got nothing on you.”

We dance for a little while and until Declan asks if I want to go for a walk. I agree and we walk out to the parking lot. We walk along the sidewalk and I tilt my face up as the cool breeze kisses my cheeks. I hear thunder rumbling over head and a flash of lighting lights up the sky. I turn to let Declan know we should go back, but he is gazing at me so intently I stop. I feel the first rain drop fall, landing on the tip of my nose and Declan kisses it. Suddenly rain is pouring down and I can feel it seeping through my clothes. I grab Declan’s hand to go back to the music lounge, but he stops me.

“Haven’t you ever heard the saying, life isn’t waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain? Will you dance with me?” he says and I laugh. He pulls me close to him and whispers my song into my ear, as we sway in the rain. My hair is plastered to my face and I am completely soaked, but I stay wrapped in his arms, not wanting to let go. Declan tilts my face up and kisses me once. His green eyes stare into my blue ones intensely and I am having a hard time catching my breath.

“I love you,” he whispers and my eyes widen in shock. He loves me? I feel slightly dizzy and the only thing holding me up is his arms. I don’t know what to say and so I do what I do best and say nothing at all. Do I love him? Thoughts swim around in my head until I realize that I do. I love this boy that has changed everything for me. How could I not? I know it isn’t the same without saying the words aloud, but since I can’t do that I do the next best thing. I do my best to let my love for him show on his face, so that he will know I feel the same. I see a smile curve his lips and I know my message has been received. He kisses me again, this time longer. We stand there in the rain for what feels like hours, but was probably only minutes. Declan releases me when I begin to shiver from my drenched clothing.

“Come on,” he says and leads me back to his truck. I huddle against him, while pressing my hands to the heater. He starts the truck and drives me home. I don’t want to say goodbye and so I wrap my arms around him, refusing to let go. Eventually he convinces me that I have to or my parents will be angry since it is almost past my curfew. I kiss him once more before slipping out of the truck and going inside. I slip my shoes off, so that I won’t trail water across the floor and head towards the stairs. When I pass through the living room, I notice that my father is sitting on the couch with a bottle of Jack Daniels gripped tightly in his hand.

“Where have you been?” he asks, words slurring slightly. I just stand there looking at him with pity.

“Answer me!” he voice raises and I begin walking toward the stairs, trying to get out of here. “Don’t you dare walk away from me!”

He grabs my arm and yanks me back painfully. I gasp and try to pull my arm out of his grasp. His grip only tightens and I feel a whimper building in my throat.

“Talk! What are you stupid?” he sneers at me. I look at him, trying not to show how scared I am. My father has never hurt me before, but he has clearly lost it. He shakes me and I feel an anger starting to build in my chest. Before I can stop myself I lash out, kicking him in the shin. He spins so fast I hardly see his fist coming before it connects with my jaw. I stagger backwards and slump to the floor. I cradle my jaw is my hands and stare at him shocked. He looks kind of pale and stumbles out of the room. I continue to sit on the floor a few seconds longer trying to understand what just happened. Then I scramble to my feet and dash up to my room, locking the door behind me. I feel tears threatening in my eyes, but I push them back. I crawl under my covers, shivering violently. I can’t believe that he actually hit me. It’s not as if my father and I are particularly close, but I never thought he would purposely hurt me. I try to push thought of my father away and instead think of Declan’s face in the rain as he told me he loved me. Even as I dream of Declan an ache in my jaw persists, refusing to let me forget what happened tonight.

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