Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

“Let’s go for a walk,” Declan says and reaches out his hand.

I grip onto it and he pulls me to my feet. I just woke up a little while ago, but it seems like Declan has been up for awhile. I try to fix my hair a little before leaving the tent, but Declan gets impatient and tugs me outside.

“Did you know that you move around a lot when you sleep? You must have woken me up seven times,” he says laughing.

I smile at him sheepishly as he leads me out of the campsite. I did know that I toss and turn a lot when I sleep because when I was younger and used to go to sleepovers, no one would sleep next to me for fear of getting punched. I woke up once in the middle of the night last night to find my legs tangled with Declan’s. I’m pretty sure it was me that did it, but at least I didn’t punch him.

We pass by a few people emerging from their tents and wave hello. We slowly stroll along a narrow path that leads deeper into the woods. The sound of birds singing fills the air along with the slight rustle of animals scurrying through the underbrush. I shiver a little as the cool morning breeze wraps itself around me.

“You always seem to be cold,” Declan says as he pulls his sweatshirt over his head and hands it to me.

I smile at him gratefully, no longer affected by the wind. I go up on my tip toes and lean in to kiss him on the cheek. He turns his head at the last minute so that I kiss his lips instead. I laugh and try to lean back, but Declan hold me to him tightly. He begins to deepen the kiss, but then I hear what seems to be a whimper and I pull away from Declan looking for the source of the noise.

“What is it?” Declan asks and I hold up a finger to silence him.

I cock my head to the side, listening, but I don’t hear anything. I am about to go back to kissing Declan, but then I hear the sound again, a little louder this time. Declan must hear it too because his head turns in the direction of the sound and a crease forms between his eyebrows.

“What do you think it is?” Declan asks, but I’m already making my way through the densely packed brush.

Declan follows, pushing branches out of the way as he goes.

“You know we are going to be covered in ticks, right?” he complains and I roll my eyes.

I thought guys didn’t care about those things, but apparently I was wrong. Declan seems to know what I am thinking because he gives me a defiant look.

“I was just worried about you. When you get limes disease, don’t complain to me,” he says and I can’t help the grin that slides onto my face.

The whimper sounds again and this time I am able to locate where it is coming from. I crouch down beside a thorn bush in which a dog is entangled. When it sees me it begins to squirm its way out which causes it to cry out in pain.

“Hold him still,” Declan says and I do.

He carefully untangles the thorns from around the little dog until it is finally free. I gently lift the fluffy black and brown dog out of the bush and into my arms. He snuggles into the crook of my arm and promptly falls asleep. He is the cutest little thing that I have ever seen and I immediately turn to Declan with a pleading look.

“Oh no, don’t give me that look! We should just let him go. I’m sure his owner lives somewhere nearby and he just wandered off and got stuck,” Declan tries to argue.

I just stick out my chin stubbornly and hold the dog closer. Declan can see it is a losing battle and decides to give in.

“Fine, we can take him back with us, but we have to put up found posters so his owner can claim him. Okay?” he asks and I nod my head, while smiling happily.

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