Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I stare into the mirror, my fingers gently tracing the bluish black mark on my jaw. I should probably put cover up on it, but I decide not to. I want my father to see what he has done and I want him to feel guilty about it. Honestly, he probably won’t even remember because he was so drunk.

I walk downstairs to get something to eat and see that my father is sitting at the table reading a newspaper. He doesn’t even glance up as I enter the room and I grit my teeth. I grab a granola bar and am about to leave when my mom steps into the room. She walks over to my dad and kisses his cheek. Then she pretends like it doesn’t bother her that he ignores her. Strangely I feel really bad for her. She obviously didn’t know what she was getting into when she married the man.

“What is that on your face?” she asks and grabs my chin, tilting it so she can see the bruise. My eyes dart to my father’s face, which has just lifted from his newspaper. He is giving me a warning look and I’m tempted to give him the finger.

“What happened?” my mother demands. I’m unsure whether I should tell her the truth or if I should keep it to myself. The look on my father’s face is telling me to do the latter. I don’t know if my mom would really care anyway.

“Well, before you go anywhere, put cover up on it. It doesn’t do much for your face,” she says as if to prove me right. I roll my eyes and start to walk away. “So, did you ask your boyfriend to come over for dinner?”

“Boyfriend?” my dad asks, looking confused. I totally forgot to ask Declan last night, but I give my mom a reluctant nod anyway. I really don’t want him to have to deal with them, but I know my mom was serious when she said I couldn’t see him again unless he came over.

“Okay. Tell him to be here by six,” she says and leaves to go to work. I go upstairs to get away from my father and to get my cell phone. I text Declan asking if he wants to come over for dinner with my parents and he immediately responds saying yes. I’m really scared about how this is going to go.

* * *

“Hey,” Declan says when I open the door to let him in. He kisses my cheek and I notice he is carrying a bouquet of flowers. I raise my eyes at him and he grins. “Trying to make a good first impression is all.”

I laugh and take him into the kitchen where my mom is actually cooking. I think the last time she cooked was probably before Caleb died. Everyone normally just fends for themselves and so I’m shocked that she didn’t just order out or something.

“Hello, it’s nice to meet you Mrs. Rogers,” Declan says and hands her the flowers.

“Oh, how lovely. Thank you so much for coming,” she says charmingly. It is kind of scary how good she is at pretending to be a nice person. I have to stop myself from rolling my eyes and Declan gives me a reproachful look. “Why don’t you give him a tour of the house. Dinner will be ready in a little while.”

I would, but since he has already been here before I just take him up to my room. I pull him over to my window seat and lean into his arms.

“Your mom seems nice,” he says and I immediately pull away from him. I shake my head fiercely and he looks at me confused. “You don’t like her?”

I just shrug and try to show him how nervous I am about him being here with my parents. He seems to understand because he tells me that it’s going to be fine. He rubs my back and I bury my face in his neck. After talking to my mom this morning I did put cover up on my bruise. I didn’t want Declan asking questions because I knew he would get angry if he found out the truth. Eventually I hear my mom’s call from downstairs, letting us know that dinner is ready. We walk downstairs and find my father already sitting at the table.

“Hello, it’s nice to meet you sir,” Declan says extending his hand.

“And what is your name? Seems my daughter forgot to mention it,” he says, ignoring Declan’s hand. I grimace and can feel Declan’s concerned gaze on me.

“It’s Declan,” he says and then I pull him over to a chair. We sit down next to each other and my mom sets the food on the table. Everyone starts to eat and my mom makes small talk with Declan, which I am grateful for. Everything is actually going okay and I feel myself starting to relax. That is until my dad decides to join the conversation.

“So, Derek, why exactly are you dating my daughter?” he says while pouring himself more alcohol.

“It’s Declan and because I love her,” Declan says and I choke on my food. I start coughing and Declan pats my back. I can’t believe he just said that. I can see my parents are surprised by the way my mom’s eyes widen and my dad raises his eyebrows. Their gazes both turn to me and I lower my head, blushing.

“Why? You do realize she’s so stupid she can’t even talk, right?” my father replies and than laughs obnoxiously. I can feel Declan stiffen beside me and grab his hand, trying to get his fists to unclench. My mom gets angry also, but I’m pretty sure it’s just because my dad is making a scene in front of a guest. I mean what if the neighbors found out? I almost laugh at that.

“If you think she is stupid than you obviously don’t know her. She is one of the smartest persons I have ever met. She doesn’t need to talk for me to see that,” Declan spits the words out.

“Well then, maybe your more stupid than she is,” my father says and I can see he is enjoying this.

“Stop it! Right now!” my mom cuts in. “I don’t know what is wrong with you, but you need to knock it off this minute.”

“Why? Am I talking to loud? You afraid someone might hear and realize we aren’t the perfect family you pretend we are?” my father retorts. Apparently I’m not the only one that feels that way. I can’t help the smirk that crosses my face.

“If I was trying to have a perfect family I would have divorced you a long time ago,” she snarls. This seems to piss my dad off very much because he grabs his glass and throws it at the wall. The glass makes a tinkling sound as it hits the floor. I feel Declan’s arm tighten around me.

“You better clean that up because I’m certainly not,” my mom says, not even flinching. I have to give it to her, she has guts. My dad and mom continue their screaming match as Declan leads me from the room. He takes me outside to his truck and tells me to get in. He drives without telling me where we are going and I don’t ask. Eventually he pulls over on the shoulder of the road and tugs me over to him.

“It’s okay. Don’t cry,” he says and I look at him confused. I reach up to touch under my eye and my finger comes away with a tear on it. I look at it surprised, I didn’t even realize I was crying. Then I feel a sob building in my chest and Declan takes me in his arms. He strokes my hair softly as I cry into his shirt. When I’m able to compose myself I sit up, but I remain in Declan’s arms.

“They don’t realize how lucky they are to have you,” he whispers into my hair. I decide since I’m already upset I might as well tell him about what happened with Caleb. I promised myself I would tell him sometime and I guess now is as good a time as any.

I reach into the glove compartment, where Declan keeps the whiteboard in case I ever want to use it. I begin to write down the story that has haunted me for so long.

You know how I think my dad hired Richard to track down Matthew Simon? I write down and he nods. I think that Matthew Simon might be responsible for killing my twin brother, Caleb.

“What happened?” he asks me softly.

Caleb and I were outside playing and someone shot him. I remember holding him as he died, I will never forget it. We never found out who did it. I look at him sadly, as my mind wanders back to that night.

“That’s when you stopped talking, isn’t it?” he says. I nod and he wipes away a tear sliding down my face. “I’m so sorry.”

He isn’t the one that should be sorry, the person that killed my brother should be sorry. He ruined everything and that is why I am so desperate to find Matthew Simon. Maybe he did kill my brother or maybe he didn’t, but either way he has the answers that will get me closer to finding peace.

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