Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

“You know what? I don’t care anymore! I’m so over this!” my mom screams into her cell phone.

I kind of feel bad for whoever is on the other end. She has been yelling at whoever it is all morning. It’s not the first time it has happened either. She gets frustrated with people she works with very easily, but I have rarely seen someone get her this angry. Whoever it is must be terrified. Mary Lou Rogers is not someone you want to mess with.

“Well, that was a great way to start the day,” my mother says grimly after hanging up on the other person.

I raise my eyebrows at her and an amused smirk settles on my face. I’m pretty sure she is about to go on a rant about whatever the person did. That’s normally how phone calls like that end with her.

“It was Richard. We are officially over,” she says before settling into the kitchen chair across from mine.

Surprise must show on my face because that was certainly the last thing I expected her to say. I thought every thing was going great between them. This is probably the best news I could get. Now I won’t have to worry about her as much and I don’t have to see Richard’s annoying face all the time. I really hope this lasts and isn’t one of those deals where they break up and get back together ten minutes later.

“I don’t know if you noticed, but he is really irritating. I thought maybe we could put our differences aside because I normally have a good time with him, but I guess I just got sick of him. He was way too clingy for my tastes anyway. He wanted to know where I was all the time and stupid stuff like that, it got old pretty fast,” she explains evenly.

She doesn’t seem very upset over her decision to break it off with him. It is kind of weird because she was just yelling a few moments ago and now she is completely calm. Maybe she is just relieved that it’s over or something. I know I am.

“You know what? We need to get out of this stupid town for awhile! We need to go on a vacation!” my mom claps her hands together, excitedly.

I just stare at her doubtfully. Normally my mom would never leave work long enough to take a vacation. What is going on with her?

“How about we go stay at the cabin for a little while. I mean, Christmas is coming up so I think I’m entitled to some time off of work,” my mom reasons with herself.

We haven’t been down to the cabin in the longest time. Actually, the last time I was there was when the photo I have of Caleb and me was taken. I figured my parents had sold it or something because we just stopped going after that. I wouldn’t mind staying there for a little while. It would be nice to get away from all the crazy things that have been happening.

“You could even bring Declan along if you wanted!” my mom exclaims.

Seriously? She knows that we are broken up and that there really was no point in saying that. I must be glaring at her because this innocent look comes on her face.

“You two still haven’t worked things out?” she asks as if she doesn’t already know. I would definitely not be at the house alone all of the time if Declan and I were back together.

“Well I guess we will have to fix that won’t we?” she says almost as if she is talking to herself.

I’m kind of afraid to ask what she is thinking about doing. I shake my head at her and she rolls her eyes.

“Alright! I won’t interfere,” she says before getting up. “Well, I’m off to go get everything settled for our vacation.”

Today is actually turning out to be pretty good so far. Who would have thought by breakfast Richard would be mostly out of my life and I would be planning a vacation?

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