Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

“Where have you been?” my mom demands as I walk through the door. I groan when I notice her standing in the hallway. She wasn’t supposed to be home! I consider leaving so I don’t have to deal with her, but I need my clothes and things if I’m going to be staying at Declan’s. At first Declan was hesitant to bring me back here at all, but I told him no one would be home. Apparently I was wrong.

I ignore my mom and brush past her, heading towards the stairs. She goes to grab my arm to pull me back, but I evade her. Her lips press into a thin line and she shoots daggers with her icy eyes.

“We have been worried,” she says and I can’t help but snort. I doubt she even realized I was gone until I walked through the door. I continue upstairs pretending I don’t hear her angry remarks calling after me.

Once in my room, I stuff a bag full of clothes and other things I will need. I also grab a picture of Caleb that sits on my dresser. When I’m finished, I sling the bag over my shoulder and go downstairs to face my mother.

“What’s that? Where do you think you’re going?” she says, anger evident in her voice. I don’t even look at her, just keep walking to the door.

“If you walk out that door, don’t you ever come back!” she screams. I wasn’t planning on it. I walk out to Declan’s car, never once looking back.

* * *

I spend the next few days getting adjusted to living with Declan and his family. I’m given a spare bedroom as far away from Declan as possible. His parents are totally cool with me staying at their house, but that was one of their rules. Everyone treats me as if I were their family and I have to say it is kind of nice. We eat breakfast and dinner together and even occasionally lunch. Every Tuesday they have a family night, which Declan thinks is completely lame, but I have come to love. Everyone plays games and then watches a movie, normally something that Jasmine picks. Turns out I’m really good at charades.

I was afraid that living with Declan might change things, but we are closer than ever. I try to give him personal time, but he doesn’t seem to want it. I never thought that I would fall in love, but with Declan it was so easy. I have been so caught up with Declan that I totally forgot about looking for Matthew Simon. I don’t really see what else I can do to find him. Maybe I should take this as a sign to just let it go. I don’t have any proof he was involved in Caleb’s murder anyway. I asked Declan his opinion and he told me I should just drop it. I was surprised at first because I thought he would be all for it, but I understand that it is hard to continue looking for someone that doesn’t seem to exist.

About a week after I moved into Declan’s house we are laying on the couch watching a movie. It is a really terrible movie, but Declan makes it entertaining by cracking jokes. In the middle of a particularly horrible scene he suddenly turns to me, eyes serious.

“Do you want to go to Homecoming with me?” Declan asks. I just stare at him, completely shocked. Since when does Declan want to go to a school dance?

“It’s just, all my friends are going and I thought you might want to go to,” he says nervously. That makes more sense. If all of Declan’s friends are going than of course he will want to. I really don’t want to go, especially since Jennifer will be there, but I don’t want him to miss out because of me. So, even though my brain is telling me this is a very bad idea I say yes.

The dance was the coming weekend and so I had a lot of last minute shopping to do, if I wanted to look even a little bit nice. It took me seven different stores before settling on a dress and I still had to find shoes and accessories. I did manage to get everything in time and the night of the dance I stand in front of the bathroom mirror putting it all together. My dress is a dark blue that shimmers when I move. I pull half of my hair back and let the rest cascade down my back. I stand in front of the mirror examining my reflection. I have been ready for at least ten minutes, but I am to nervous to leave the bathroom. What if Declan doesn’t like it? What if tonight goes terribly?

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