Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

“Happy Birthday!” Declan yells through the phone.

I yawn and roll over on my bed to look at the clock. In bright red numbers it says 6:30. I suppress a groan. This call couldn’t have waited a few more hours? Now that I think of it why is he calling me at all? I mean it’s not like I can answer him. Seems like this might be a very one-sided conversation.

“Sorry, it’s so early, but I wanted to make sure you didn’t make any plans for today. If it’s okay with you I want to take you out. Cough once for yes and twice for no,” he rambles on excitedly.

I can’t help, but to laugh at that.

“I’ll take laughter as a yes. Great, so I’ll see you at twelve. Wear something nice. Love you,” he says and hangs up.

I set my phone back on the side table and crawl back under the covers. Unfortunately I am unable to fall back to sleep. Thanks a lot Declan! I’m not mad at him, though. I’m actually pleasantly surprised. I didn’t even know that he knew when my birthday was. I’m sure whatever he has planned will be great and I feel myself starting to get excited.

I actually forgot that today was my birthday. I don’t really celebrate them much, since I don’t have many friends anymore. My past six birthdays were spent alone. They were just like any other day, except that I made myself a little cake. I don’t even think either of my parents acknowledged that it was my birthday.

It wasn’t always like this, though. Before Caleb died we had the most extravagant of parties. My mother always threw us a combined party since we shared a birthday. Now that I think about it, we were actually pretty spoiled kids. We received the most expensive gifts and almost anything that we wanted. It’s kind of ridiculous and I’m ashamed just thinking about it. I’m really glad that all of that stopped.

After I realize I’m not going to fall back to sleep, I slide out from under the covers and head downstairs. Strangely enough both of my parents are seated at the dining room table. A stack of pancakes rests on the center of the table, surrounded by strawberries, blueberries, whipped cream, and chocolate sauce. I look at them confused and then glance up at my mother.

“Happy birthday, sweetie,” she says smiling.

Then she gets up and actually hugs me. I stand there shocked for a second, unsure what to do. I hesitantly wrap my arms around her. I’m still not completely used to the new her. We let go and my dad mumbles a happy birthday. I nod my head in thanks and sit down to eat.

This used to be a tradition for Caleb and my birthday. Every year my mom would make us a breakfast of our choice, which was always pancakes. The tradition stopped after he died, but apparently my mom decided to bring it back. Normally I would be upset thinking about Caleb and all of the birthdays that we shared together and all of the ones he will never get to see, but strangely enough I’m okay. My life has been going pretty good lately and I’m not going to let myself get sad about something no one can change. I’ve cried enough for Caleb; I think it is time for me to start smiling for him instead.

After shoving down as many pancakes as I can, I go upstairs to get ready for my date with Declan. I throw on a simple blue dress that hangs just above my knees. He told me to dress nice, but I’m not sure how nice. I figure something dressy, but simple will be fine. I slip a pair of sparkly dangling earrings on along with blue flats. I never wear heels no matter how many times my mom has tried to get me into them. They kill my feet and it feels really weird being taller than my five feet. I twist my curls to the side and hold them in place with a blue flower, hair clip. Lastly, I add a little makeup. Some glittery eye shadow along with mascara and eyeliner and I’m good to go.

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