Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

“So, Declan, I’m not sure if you would be interested, but Arianna and I are going to be taking a vacation down to our cabin if you would like to join us,” my mom informs Declan over dinner the next day.

Since our conversation the day before, Declan and I have been inseparable. I have spent literally every second by his side and it is really amazing to have him back in my life again. I haven’t seen him in so long and now that he is right beside me I can’t help but to stare at him. I haven’t really been paying to the conversation my mom and him are having and so it surprises me when he turns to look at me, catching me checking him out once again. A blush rises to my cheeks and he raises his eyebrows at me mockingly. I stick my tongue out at him in return.

“I guess I will let you two discuss it,” my mother says and rises from the table.

I have no clue what she wants us to discuss and Declan must see how confused I am because he explains.

“She invited me to go to your cabin when you guys go.”

Really? I remember her saying something about inviting him, but I didn’t think she was serious. A frown slips onto my face because I don’t want Declan to feel pressured into going. I mean, we only got back together yesterday.

“If you don’t want me to come it’s fine,” Declan says, interpreting my frown to mean something else.

I roll my eyes at him and lean forward to kiss him on the lips.

“Does that mean you want me to go? Because after being away from you these past few weeks I don’t know if I can stand you being gone again,” he tells me and I can’t help the stupid grin that slips onto my face.

I nod my head eagerly because there is no way I can imagine being away from him for a whole week either.

“Okay, I’ll ask my parents tonight. Just let me know the details,” he replies and I agree.

A huge grin makes its way onto my face. I can’t believe I will be going on a whole week vacation with Declan! It will be really nice to get away from all of the annoying questions still lingering about Caleb’s death. I will be able to just relax and have fun with Declan. Little did I know fun was the last thing I would be having on this vacation.

* * *

I take one last look around my room, making sure that I have everything I need. I notice the sleeve of my jacket sticking out of my closet door and rush over to grab it. I’m definitely going to need it considering it is going to be freezing for the majority of the vacation. The weather reports even say that there is a chance of snow.

“Arianna! Are you coming or what?” my mom calls from downstairs.

I don’t notice anything else that I will need, but I still feel as if I’m forgetting something. Something nudges my leg and I look down to see Thorn staring up at me with his adorable chocolate eyes. Wow, I can’t believe I almost forgot the dog! I can never remember the most obvious things, but all of the unimportant ones I can’t forget!

I scoop Thorn into my arms and make my way down the stairs. My mom is standing in the hallway with a bunch of suitcases. I tried to tell her that we were only staying for a week and there really was no need for all of the stuff she is bringing, but she said that all of the things she packed were absolutely necessary. I don’t see how that is possible, but whatever makes her happy.

“Help me bring these out to the car?” she asks me and then takes two of the smallest.

I grab one since my other arm is still holding Thorn and my jacket. I leave the suitcase at the back of the car before heading around to the backseat to put Thorn in. Just then Declan pulls up and gets out to help us finish loading the car.

Once everything has been crammed in the back, we are finally ready to leave. Declan and I sit in the backseat together with Thorn continuously jumping on and off of our laps trying to stick his head out of the window. My mom flips through the radio stations until it lands on a rap station. Declan and I burst into laughter at this and my mom looks back at us confused.

“What? Isn’t this the kind of music kids listen to these days?” she asks making herself sound a lot older than she actually is.

Declan and I just continue to laugh, not bothering to respond. Neither of us are particularly fond of rap music, but if that’s what my mom likes than that’s cool, I guess.

The ride to the cabin should be about three hours. To keep ourselves busy Declan and I play the game where you try to get cars to honk at you. I know it’s a stupid game, but it’s actually a lot of fun. Caleb and I used to play every time that we would go somewhere. When we finally decide to stop we have tallied up to forty-seven honks, thirteen waves, and seven dirty looks.

After about an hour has passed my mom says she needs to go to the bathroom, so we pull off at a rest stop. While my mom heads to the bathroom, Declan and I decide to get something to eat. The rest stop consists of a McDonalds, Burger King, Starbucks, and Pizza Hut. We decide on Pizza Hut and take our food to a little table.

While we are sitting there I notice someone familiar out of the corner of my eye. When I turn to see who it was the person is already lost in the crowd of people. A frown settles onto my face when I realize who it looked like. I think that it was Richard, but what would he be doing here?

I shake my head, trying to clear my thoughts. It was probably just someone that looked similar is all. I have been a little paranoid since everything has been going on and I didn’t even get a proper look at the person. I’m mistaken and that’s it. Even though I continue to tell myself this I’m unable to get rid of the sinking feeling in my stomach.


So, this chapter was really boring and kind of short. Sorry for that, but the next few chapters is when everything will finally start to make sense. Only about four chapters left!! They should be a little longer because a lot of stuff will be happening :)  

Thanks for reading!

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