Life in tragedy

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I am in my room on my computer when I hear a noise from downstairs, my phone goes off. It says " code black " I know what that means. I run into hall and in the back closet where we keep the winter coats. There's a secret panic room in the back you wouldn't know it's there unless you knew where to look. Dad and I were in the house for about a year before we found it.

The panic room is just big enough for me and dad to fit but is dark and gives me the creeps. I wait for about 20 minutes I can hear every sound in the house from the panic room. I hear what sounds like a struggle, a lamp or a dish being knocked over then a gun shot and a thump. I wasn't sure if it was came from in the house or outside,
We live in a rough neighbourhood so gun shots are a regular thing.

Growing up with my dad always being very observant, after the incident it got worse and he passed it on to me.

I wait for the men to leave but I can hear them going through my dad stuff it sounds like 3 men, they were in his office. I could here the squeaking of my dads desk drawer. Then the back door slamming and it  creaking after it didn't close completely. He kept saying that he was going to fix it for I don't know how long.

I went down stairs right after they left. My dad was on the floor in the living room not moving, I run over to him and feel his pulse it's barely there. He's laying face up I can tell his heart is slowing down his breathing is becoming shallow. "I love you" he says with his last breath, his eyes close and he stops breathing. I sit there and start to cry but I can hear my dads voice in the back of my head saying  " your stronger than this get up" so I do.

I grab his dog tags and add them to mine then head up to my room, my back pack is on the floor. I pack my stuff it's everything I will need for a few days, then go down stairs. I go in to the kitchen and grab the cat cookie jar, the jar was the ugliest thing ever. Me and my dad hated it but when Mom died it always reminded us of her, the jar is on the top shelf. Dad always stored cash in there. The jar had about 150 bucks, I put it in my bag.

I walk in to my dads office the men were looking for something I have to figure out what it was. I look through his desk then I remember that my dad would tape card to the under side of his desk drawer so my mom wouldn't find them. And I find an envelope with my name on it and a key.

The key looks familiar but I can't place where have seen it before. I remember something my dad once said " the truth isn't always in front of you but sometimes you have to look behind" then is hits me, I pull the desk back from the wall to find a small wall safe.

The key fits, I open it I was expecting something a little more exciting but there was just a flash drive.

There is nothing else I needed in the house. So just walk out the front door. I go to my favourite coffee shop and read his note to me.

" Dear Jessie I want you to know that I love you and I want you to know proud of you. Now if your reading this it means something has happened to me go to agent Gibbs of NCIS at Norfolk Naval Base. Ask for him and no one else. We worked a case together a few years ago show him my dog tags he will know who you are. Give him what's on the flash drive he can help and he will keep you safe
I love you dad"

I now crying I can feel a people watching me so I leave. I call a cab, the driver comes. I hop in he asks " where to miss" " Norfolk Naval Base please" the ride is about 20 minutes so I decide to look at the files in the flash drive.

Most of the documents were encrypted I am able to only look at two documents before we pull up to NCIS. The car to stoped they do a security sweep. Once through the gate the driver drops me off I walk in to the building. The building reminds me of the FBI office in a movie called the fugitive dad and I would watch that movie all the time.  I walk in, a man in an black suit walks up to me he's obviously security. " are you lost young lady ?" I smirk " no I am looking for special agent Gibbs" the man tells me to follow him I do. He makes a call on the land line then has me walk through up to a metal detector. I hand him my bag so he can search it. Once through he hands me back my stuff. I put on the visitor pass. I am lead in to a conference room where I sit for about five minutes. The door opens and a man wearing a suit with grey hair walks in " I am special agent Gibbs you wanted to talk to me " I think he was expecting someone older.

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