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Gibbs pov

It's a regular morning around here at ncis we're investigating the murder of a Gunnery Sergeant Mack Wills but my mind was elsewhere. Director Shepard walks out of MTAC " we're ready for you agents Gibbs " I say " coming Jen " I walk up the stairs, she shoots me a look. I walk past ziva " oh Gibbs Jessie called she told me to tell you that she is going to the diner" I nod and keep walking.

We walk in to MTAC the technicians hand us headsets while sergeant Mack Wills CO (commanding officer) comes online we're talking for about five minutes. He is giving us background information when I get a text on my phone from Jessie " code black " I know that mean she's in trouble. I run out of MTAC and in to the squad room, everyone is sitting at there desk they all stand up. " McGee trace Jessie's cell now , Ziva go to my house and see if there was a struggle or if they grabbed her on the street DiNozzo with me " the team just looks at me and Tony is the only one to say it " boss do you think someone kidnapped her !" I yell "let's go now". Tony and Ziva grab there gear then run to catch up with me at the elevator.

I drive while DiNozzo talk to McGee on the phone. Tony looks at me " Your really worried aren't you boss " McGees voice comes over the speaker phone alright take the next left. The drive is silent all but cars honking as i probably break every traffic law on earth.

My head start to wonder in to my thoughts " I can't lose a another kid I won't survive that again" then Tony gets a call from Ziva and puts it on speaker.

Ziva ---- " Gibbs there was no struggle at your house but I had to pick the lock"

DiNozzo ---- " when did you start locking yours door boss ?"

Gibbs ---- " I don't Jessie must have what did you find Ziva ?"

Ziva ---- " nothing at your house so i checked from your house to the dinner no blood or any signs. Gibbs I think she when willingly "

Gibbs ---- " why the hell would she do that"

Ziva ---- " it's kidnapping technique you threaten the targets family so there is no struggle I have used it many times myself"

Tony ---- " she's got no family so who would they threaten"

Ziva ---- " i found pictures of Gibbs "

Gibbs ---- " me !!!! "

Ziva hangs up the phone

Tony ---- " turn left here if the coordinates McGee sent are correct then her phone is just up here."

We pull up to an old wooden cabin, I am out of the car weapon drawn before the car comes to a full stop. With Tony on my six we bust in to the cabin to find it empty. We start to processed the scene when I find her phone. An hour later were done processing the scene then we go back to NCIS.

Jessie POV

We drive for about 25 minutes before we stop the drive is very bumpy. When the car comes to a stop the trunk door pops opens. One of the men pulls me out of the truck and throws me on the ground then picks me up and drags me in to the cabin. I kick and scream buts it's no use there are probably no one around here for miles. They duck tape my hands and feet, the tied me to a pipe. The one in charge gets a phone call I don't hear the conversation but I do hear him " yes Lieutenant Richardson " the other guys looks at me then says " while don't we kill her now "  the  guy in charge yells " don't kill we need her alive " Both men step outside. I mange to get my phone out I try to send Gibbs a message, I am able to type is Richardson but do not get the chance to send it, I hear the men coming back in a so I slide my phone under couch beside me but the guy in charge sees me moving around he walks up and slaps across the face so hard my face goes red what are you doing " he yells. I start to cry " nothing nothing I swear" he pulls be up let's go. Then drags me out of the cabin and back in the trunk of the car before they are able to get me in the trunk I stab one of the guys in the arm then try to run but the man in charge catches up to me almost instantly. He knocks me out.

Gibbs P.O.V

Jenny  looks at me " I handed the wills case off to another team I know your focus is finding Jessie" I just nod. Abby calls me " Gibbs Gibbs I have something you need to see " I just hang up and hurry down to Abby's lab. I walk in the first thing she does is hug me " we will find her " I hug her back.

" what have you got Abb's " " well picture was clean no finger prints at all but McGee was able to get something off Jessie's cell phone" McGee looks at me then speaks " well boss I was able to recover an in unsent text ." " who was it's going to and "what did it say" I ask " the text was sent from the cabin in the woods and the text says " Richardson"

I walk out of the room before she finishes her sentence. The Jenny is standing on the stairwell watching over the squad room. I yell at Ziva " figure out where Commander Richardson is now "Tony does the same. Director Shepherd looks at me " Jethro do you have evidence that Commander Richardson is the one who kidnapped her" I stare at her " look Jen that son of a bitch has her and I am going to get her back" and I storm out of the building with Ziva and Tony by my side.

Jessie POV

When i wake up I am chained to a wall in a where house. My mouth is dry; I am coughing. I must have been out for a few hours the sun is starting to set. I struggle for a few minutes then I scream for help but it's no use. I am in the city but probably on the outskirts.

Thats when one of the guys comes he has a belt with him. " where is the USB" " I don't know I don't have it "   " you're lying you little bitch "  then he has the other guy bring a bucket full of water. I am  blindfolded but I can hear the water dripping from the bucket as he walks closer to me. The guy in charge grabs me, he undoes my chains then drags me over to the bucket I try to fight him off but I can't. He grabs me by the hair then dunks my head in the water I try to hold my breath he pulls my head out of the water then slams its back in to the water repeatedly. After what feels like forever the man throws me against the wall and puts the chains back on my hands and feet.

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